Thursday, July 30, 2009


As you can see by this blog, I’m more than a genius. I teach the geniuses. I... all right. I can’t keep that up. It’s supposed to fit the theme of the blog, but I don’t like the character. Instead, I’ll give it to you plainly.

I don’t know much. But, neither do you. No one does. All we can do is read, write, love and learn. And, try to be smart. It doesn’t always work out. But, we must try.

There are many more topics that I didn’t even touch down on. But, I really do believe you can apply most of what I’ve discussed here into anything.

I hope you’ve come to the realization that some things are worth getting very upset about, but certainly not money. I hope that you’ll look at your kids now and know that they’re the best things ever, or when you have kids you’ll give them that benefit. I hope that when you choose to wake up in the morning, you will also choose to have a good day.

Because that’s what this is all really about - the choice. We’re human beings. We always have a choice. We choose who we’re with. We choose to be miserable. We choose to live a good life. Or not. But, the choice is always our own.

Jim Carrey was on the talk-show circuit a couple of months back promoting YES MAN. He said something that I’ll never forget. He said, “Everything that happens to you... is the best thing that’s every happened to you.”

And, I’ve never agreed more with such a simple line. It’s basically the famous Nietzsche saying of “That which does not kill you makes you stronger.” But, Jim Carrey’s is more positive and pertains to the present.

Think about that concept - everything that happens to you is the best thing that’s ever happened to you. It’s so empowering. It gives you complete ownership of everything in your life. It’s completely true.

Everything that happens to you is what makes you who you are. And, you choose what happens to you. That makes us all masters of our own future. That’s what makes each one of us important and special... if we choose to be.

That’s really what I wanted to do when I first started writing this blog. I wanted you to see the world for what it really is. And, I wanted you to question the norm. Question life and it’s workings. Why am I doing this? Why am I doing that? Then, if you find that you’re full of shit most of the time, change. Thinking then action.

So, we’re at the point where you ship off into this new world. Go explore. Go discover an enlightening path that leads you to more questions than answers. Go find great people that challenge you and make you stronger and smarter. Go think, so one day you can sit down and reminisce about your experiences and views on everything.

You won’t be right all the time... Just most of the time. But, that’s okay, too.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The End

It's coming soon. Not the end of the world - the end of this blog, which, to some, might be the end of the world. Because of this, I'm going to keep it concise today.

I hate to steal directly from Bill Maher, but I have some rules (NEW RULES) to live by:

- Don't be a douche bag. Whatever you do, do NOT, for any reason, be a douche. That's the worst.

- Don't pretend like you're tough... or you'll get your ass handed to you. Most people don't know how to fight. If you do know how to throw punches and take punches, or sprawl and some wrestling moves, it puts you light years ahead of the rest of the world. If you're just big and oafish, that doesn't make you tough. It makes you a douche bag. So, see the first rule.

- Don't think you're smart. That's the reason for this blog - to enlighten you about life. You are not smart. You are stupid. Realizing this makes you smarter. Nobody knows anything, said the great William Goldman. Remember this.

And, that's pretty much it. If you abide by these very simple rules, you'll be okay. If there are any other issues you're worried about, just give me an email and I'll let you know.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Over The Line

Do not, under any circumstances, hold up the line. And, never, I mean NEVER, hold up the line at the grocery store.

If you do, you’ll get what I call the “huffy puffy” look from everyone behind you – from everyone whose life is so much more important than yours. These people are in a rush. They probably don’t know why they’re in a hurry, but they are. So, move it!

You’ve probably witnessed someone writing a check or paying with food stamps – something that holds up the line for a few seconds. And, what does everyone do in line when this happens?

They roll their eyes. They evil stare. Cross their arms. Shake their heads. Exhale loudly. Huff and puff. And, not one time in my grocery shopping days have I ever noticed this to be an effective method of speeding up the line. But, the frustration continues.

Why? Where do these people have to go so sudden? Are these government officials who need to send a fax to Congress to pass life-altering legislation (from their important offices in Carpentersville, USA – the center of the middle of nowhere)?

Are they flying today and need to catch the plane (but decided orange juice, Breyer’s Ice Cream and frozen pizza were essential materials for the flight)?

Or, are they doctors late for surgery (who happened to stumble into a Jewel before they performed that all-important amputation)?

The answer is “no” to all of the above.

They’re probably just headed to Starbucks (where they’ll get mad in that line, too). Or, they’re headed back home to lie on the couch and watch Grey’s Anatomy (that they’ve TiVOed, so it’s not going anywhere anyway).

Either way, they’re headed somewhere of no significance or importance. It’s the suburbs – everyone has time on their hands. There’s never a rush. It’s hurry up and wait.

There’s never a legitimate reason to project negativity towards another human being for taking away what you think is your precious time.

I’m sick of it. I’m fed up. I always say something to the people around me if they act like that. I’m not going to not say something – they must be told, like a child, that they are acting socially unacceptable. It’s usually something off the top of my head and sarcastic – in case they have a penknife and are in the stabbing mood, I can deny.

But, I think this anger and annoyance in lines stems from the idea of individual over community. And, people think that their time is more valuable than everyone else’s.

Instead of being self-serving, why not be friendly? Instead of getting irritated, why not extend a helping hand? Why not relax and do something that was invented a couple years back – talking to your neighbor?

This is a tiny problem, but it needs fixing. It’s small, but it says something bigger about us as citizens of this world. It’s representative of how we live our lives in general and what the future holds.

So, beware of the huff and puff.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Idea List

This is one of my favorite songs that I've written:

High On Peace

Is it really real?
Can it exist?
I'm talking about peace
I know about violence

Every time I turn on
The radio or TV
It's a body count
Of a madman's killing spree

But my theory is
If we want to see the root
Understand that madman
Why he do what he do

Jump inside his head
Extend a little empathy
It's the only way
That we will find peace

Because I'm high on peace
High on love
Something that
I've been dreaming of

High on peace
High on love
Something that
I've been dreaming of

It's not just a ploy
Not silly words to you
It's a goal to have
Something that we have to do

What happens if we fail?
What happen if we don't?
It's better to say 'I will'
Than to say 'I won't'

Lennon said peace at work
And peace at home
I'm convinced that peace
Has been with us all along

If you agree
Throw a peace sign to the sky
Keep it up
And fly that peace sign high

Fly it high
Fly it high
Fly it high
Fly it

High on peace
High on love
Something that
I've been dreaming of

I'm high on peace
I'm high on love
It's something that
I've been dreaming of

Am I a delusional, naive idealist? Or, are my ideas just big and positive? I ask myself that question all the time. And, I never have a clear answer, partly because I don't want to have a real answer to anything, especially complex life issues.

Regardless, I think anyone that complains about a way of living should come up with an new idea list. You can't complain about something, then have no other possible solutions. If you think something's wrong, then what's right?

That's my challenge. Next time you find yourself bickering about something, take a moment and THINK. Try to come up with a couple of ways to fix the problem. Don't just continue to plod forward mindlessly. In short...

Don't be an idiot.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Real (Pathetic) Drug Addict

Marijuana is illegal. One cannot die from marijuana use. Although general apathy and some minor crime is linked to grass, its immediate effects will not cause death.

Cocaine is illegal. Okay. I get it. Crack cocaine can be blamed for A LOT of felonies and destruction of lives and families. But, so can alcohol, and that's legal.

Crystal meth is illegal. And, rightfully so. Nothing positive comes from that horrible drug.

LSD is illegal. And, I get it. But, take away LSD and half The Beatles/The Doors/Jimi Hendrix catalog is gone. If there were no Beatles, A LOT of bands would be generic copycats. Wait...

These are all considered recreational drugs. Recreation... fun... amusement... entertainment... and, if used for those purposes, can achieve the desired goal.

The drugs that really scare me are the prescription drugs for problems and ailments that might not exist in the first place. Drugs like Prozac, Xanax, Ritalin and Ambien frighten me to no end.

Now, some of these drugs do seem to "work." But, "work" isn't really the correct word. What these drugs do, for the most part, is take away the symptoms of the problem, NOT THE ACTUAL PROBLEM. They temporarily mask the symptoms.

Problems from depression stem from all types of things. Childhood instances, family troubles, many things can lead to what psychiatrists refer to as depression.

If you can't sleep at night, there are reasons. If your child is unfocused and acting like a lunatic, chances are you did something wrong, or you overlooked something.

I'm not a doctor (obviously), and some would say because of that, I don't know what I'm talking about. But, that's part of the problem - doctors prescribe certain pills because of contracts with prescription drug companies that make a profit. The best deal for the doctor is what determines what pill he's going to prescribe you. It's a business. And, when the bottom line is the only concern, NOT YOUR HEALTH, there is a problem.

Doctors and pharmaceutical companies DO NOT make a profit if you are cured. They make money when you return to their offices and continue to purchase their product. It's that simple.

If you actually want to solve your problems, or try to, there are many ways. Healthy living, diet, exercise, activity, positive friends and peers, good way of life, productive time spent... all changes in your life.

But, that's THE problem. No one wants to change or admit that they're wrong. They want to take a pill once a day to cure their life's problems. WE'RE NOT THAT SIMPLE.

People are complex. If you don't believe that, ask a human genome scientist. So, how did we, as a society, get so lazy to think that a simple little pill would solve complicated issues?

One of the answers is that we're bombarded with advertising by these giant companies. Another reason is that we want to fit in - we want to be like our neighbors, friends and family who are living a certain way. We naturally follow instead of lead.

I bring this topic up because of Michael Jackson's death. Toxicology reports will confirm what his family and physicians already suspect - he had a cocktail of drugs in him that included pain medication (for the countless surgeries), sleeping pills (for his insomnia) and a host of other anti-depressants.

Hmm... Doesn't this sound a lot like another famous talented celebrity that died just last year? Yes. Heath Ledger. They essentially took the same drugs.

When are we going to wake up?!? When are we going to smarten up and really live a life filled with ups and downs, strikes and gutters and real experiences?

My advice is... when confronting a problem that regularly would yield prescription drug use, first try every alternative possible. Go the holistic doctor in your city. Change the negative parts of your life. Do something different.

Don't be a pathetic drug addict. If you're going to be a drug addict, do it right - HEROIN.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


You might not have heard - THE CLEVELAND CAVALIERS TRADED FOR SHAQUILLE O'NEAL. They gave up Ben Wallace, Sasha Pavlovic, $500,000 and a second round pick.

Is this the greatest thing ever?

Or, is Shaq too worn out to make a positive impact?

I don't know.

I think this is the kind of piece that LeBron's needed his whole career to really be effective. He's never played with a true low post player - a big big. Shaq is who you create in NBA Live when you want to dominate everyone.

Now, outside shots will be easier for LeBron. He'll have easy dumps to Shaq in the post. Finally, when a high screen is set, it will be set with an actual stable body, not a drifting Z.

Everything tells me that the Cavs will roll through teams, beating them on the inside, outside and everything in between. In the Playoffs, they'll have a low post man that punishes teams on offense and defense.

What do you think?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Guitar

There's a new documentary coming out called IT MIGHT GET LOUD starring The Edge (U2), Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin, The Yardbirds) and Jack White (The White Stripes, The Raconteurs). It's all about the guitar.

The trailer starts off with Jack White standing by a worn, splintered house deck. He drills a thin, two-foot-long piece of wood into the deck, and the preview continues...

The guitar. Is it the single greatest material item ever? Is there anything more powerful? More magical?

The Edge, Jimmy Page and Jack White all meet at a warehouse studio to jam. I'm sold. These are three of the best guitarists, three of the most unique sounds in the history of music, from three different generations.

Documentaries don't hit as hard in theaters as narrative films, but IT MIGHT GET LOUD looks like it could be one of the best movies of the year.

Jack White situates an empty, glass coke bottle to one end of the wood strip, then a pick-up. He pulls strings over the bottle and secures the to the end of the wood. A short stack of amps sits nearby, which he rigs to his new invention.

It's a makeshift slide guitar. And, he cranks out a jam on it. He stands back, pops a rolled, brown cigarette into his mouth and says, "Who needs to buy a guitar?"

Rock musicians... guitarists are a different beast. They're the warriors of our day - the nickname of the guitar is "axe" - who shred for us and slay audiences.

There's nothing cooler. If you're great on the guitar, that's it. You're at the top of the world.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Crazy Or Stupid

It's your pick.

I've come up with a way to categorize every single human being into one of two nice little piles. You're either crazy or you're stupid, and that's that. The Dalai Lama and Forrest Gump are the only exceptions.

Obviously, there are nuances to each of these categories, but, essentially, you're one or the other. And, sometimes you're both (drug addicts).

I'll keep this short and simplify (for you stupid people out there). So, we'll take a look at what people can consider the opposites of these categories.

The opposite of stupid is... SMART. You guessed it (well, the stupid people didn't). But, if you're smart, the stupid people will drive you.... CRAZY. They have to. If you are truly smart, you realize that stupidity isn't good, and you're constantly reminded of this everyday when going about your daily routines. After years and years of this conditioning, it pushes you over the edge and you lose your mind. If you don't, you're too stupid.

The opposite of crazy is... SANE. Again, congrats. Good guess. If you're sane, that means you're not out killing people; you're doing what most people do, which is trying to live a nice, normal life... in the suburbs. But, you have to be so stupid to actually like this boring, complacent life. Or, you're so crazy that you hate it and do it anyway. Either way, we're back to the two categories.

I wish that I were stupid, because ignorance is bliss. Unfortunately, I'm smart, therefore I'm crazy... which is why I'm in constant search of drugs. Eventually, I'll be a drug addict.

And then I'll be BOTH.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Livin' In The Suburbs (Is Kinda Like Takin' Mushrooms)

Livin' in the suburbs
Is kinda like takin' mushrooms
You just wanna blow your...
Head off.

I got a... townhouse.
I got a... nine to five.
I got two and a half kids.
And I wonder if I will make it out alive.

Livin' in the suburbs
Is kinda like takin' mushrooms
You just wanna blow your...
Head off.

I'm bored... every single day.
So, I've decided... to drink it all away.
Heavy drugs... will make it all okay.
Even if I'm a closet gay.

Livin' in the suburbs
Is kinda like takin' mushrooms
You just wanna blow your...
Head off.

It's the same week, over and over.
Wake up and watch life pass me by.
It's the suburban blues that I feel.
It's enough to make me break down and cry.

Livin' in the suburbs
Is kinda like takin' mushrooms
You just wanna blow your...
Head off.

No more minivans!
No more Taco Bell!
No more soccer moms!
No more life of hell!

Livin' in the suburbs
Is kinda like takin' mushrooms
You just wanna blow your...
Head off.

This is one of my newest songs. I wrote it because I live in the suburbs and I'm really fucking bored. I like a fast paced, crazy life that brings me the unexpected. I don't like passing the same roadkill everyday, that I've started to give names to.

I have A LOT of hobbies. But, it still doesn't take away the fact that people in the suburbs drive 5 miles per hour UNDER the speed limit. Wait... that's until you try to pass them (which is the most exciting part of their day, I suppose). Then, they'll jam on the gas and make sure that you can't pass them. It's a competition thing. I get it. You have a small penis and you're trying to make up for it. Okay. Big deal. I drive a Hybrid you douche bag.

I just need more action. And diversity. All white people in the suburbs look the same... and I'm white. I like seeing all different colors, cultures and races. It reminds me that I'm part of a bigger world, that we all have stories that landed us in a certain town or city, and that's exciting. I don't like seeing the same middle-aged asshole with his Palin sticker still on his Jeep Grand Cherokee. It's over. She lost.

My sights are set on downtown again. I gotta get down there soon. I'm going stir crazy (which is actually the name of a noodle restaurant... in the suburbs). I need to be around bums and vagrants, hookers and pimps, street hustlers and city cops, students and artists, my type of people. I need the fear. I need a challenge. I don't need to be living next to eight different families with kids named Jacob and Madison.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Just Stop

Why do these supposed pandemics cause so much fear and anxiousness?

The Swine Flu (renamed H1N1) caused Americans, nay, the world to panic like monkeys at the zoo. Vacationers to Mexico were wearing masks at the beach. Schools were closing down left and right. Extra hand washing took place. And, people stopped letting their dogs lick their faces.

This story has left the news, all accept the occasional death that happens from the Swine Flu... always in conjunction with other serious medical conditions like heart disease. And, this is exactly why I'm writing about it now.

People are idiots. Stop worrying about shit that isn't there. Stop worrying about stuff that IS, in fact, there, but will never reach YOU. Stop worrying!

Stop pissing and moaning. Stop yelling. Stop honking. Stop scowling. Stop it. Now!

Take a break, smoke a joint and relax. Because it just doesn't matter.

- Dr. Brian Wright (drugstore psychologist - cost $0)

Friday, May 22, 2009

White Lies For Dark Times, Part III (Post-Show)

Ben Harper and Relentless7 nearly brought the house down.

Except for the guy who kept on screaming "Voodoo Chile" and "Burn One Down," the show couldn't have gone any better.

I don't want to write a review form post today. I just simply want to share that if you're not a fan of Ben Harper already, then fine. You're missing out on the best new music out there. There's a reason why I get to stand two feet away from the stage at every show. He's not mainstream. No complaints here.

At the end of the two-hour show, while finishing the second encore, with "Serve Your Soul" capping the night's performance, Ben Harper let his steel just rock back and forth on top of his Asher lap steel guitar. That rocking of the steel was the best outro to any concert I've ever seen, leaving a lasting imprint of brilliance and total recognition that he's playing a show for him and us.

It's these rock moments that separate Ben Harper from the rest of the modern pack. I've seen him sing a cappella and without the mic on "Where Could I Go." I've seen him play a three and a half hour set at The Music Box in Hollywood. And, now I've seen Relentless7 welcome us into the club in the most rock way possible.

By the way, my favorite R7 song right now is "Spanish Red Wine." This is what I said about the song when I first listened to it, before the show:

"'Spanish Red Wine' is a soundtrack song. It's mood music... right now. It'll sneak up on me and end up being one of my favs. Very needed on an album like this for balance and pace."

Well, it's my favorite, by far. And, I love the rest of the songs. This song just went from 'balance and pace' to the best... and it's all because of the live performance.

So good... So good.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

White Lies For Dark Times, Part II (Pre-Show)

It's been a little over a week since Ben Harper and Relentless7's debut album WHITE LIES FOR DARK TIMES hit the record shelves. This means I've listened to the CD around 30 times through, all in preparation for the May 16th Chicago show.

Music always changes the more you hear it. After the show, I'm sure I'll have new favorite songs and reasons to like others. In the last week or so, the music of Ben Harper and Relentless7 has graduated.

First of all, I'm biased. Ben Harper can pretty much put out any album with any 11 songs and I'll be a fan. But, I'm always critical because I have the greatest of expectations. WHITE LIES FOR DARK TIMES exceeded all of mine.

I call Ben Harper an artist because he keeps on improving and challenging himself. It would have been easy to stick with the Innocent Criminals (whose music I adore) and sell out mid-size venues. Part of me misses the ICs, but the wiser part of me appreciates the new music.

Like I said before, WHITE LIES FOR DARK TIMES is a rock album. And, it's good rock. It's not Daughtry. It's not Green Day. It's true rock 'n' roll, with attitude, conviction, a message and social and political overtones. It's the best rock album in the last five years.

Ben Harper's last album LIFELINE was his best album (before this one)... not necessarily the best single songs. But, as a whole, the songs blended together to make a listening experience. It's difficult not to listen to the entire album. WHITE LIES FOR DARK TIMES picked up where that album left off.

It's an experience. A rock experience. Ben Harper has always had this running theme of contradiction. He's black AND white... which makes him neither and both. He has songs called "Glory & Consequence" and "Pleasure and Pain," and he's had lyrics that reflect this contradiction, too.

In "Diamonds on the Inside," he sings "I knew a girl, her name was Truth, she was a horrible liar..." His songs are filled with these (intentional?) contradictions, much like life is. Much like BOTH SIDES OF THE GUN, WHITE LIES FOR DARK TIMES is another album title example of this.

This is his thesis and his alone. He owns this view on life and art, on work and music. No one that I know of does it, so no one does it better. Like I said, the whole album is brilliant, but here are the standouts to me right now:

#1) "Number With No Name" - "The very thing that drives you can drive you insane..." is a lyric in the chorus. This song is just a head-bobbing, killer song that has a great lap steel solo (best viewed/listened to live). The drums are hard and heavy on this one, too. It's a great way to start an album and a concert... even though I read that they are starting shows with a cover of Led Zepplin's "Good Times Bad Times." Does it get any better than this?

#4) "Lay There And Hate Me" - "Never trust a woman who loves the blues..." I won't Mr. Harper. This song is so funky and great. It's one of those songs like "Black Betty" where you feel like you're in a cool 70s movie or you're dealing mass quantities of drugs (like Johnny Depp in BLOW).

#7) "Fly One Time" - I want to be inspired. That's why I watch new movies (and old favorites) and listen to music. I want to find a piece of art from someone that acts as a bridge... something that shows me a sign that I'm not alone... that I'm not crazy... that there are people out there that have similar thoughts and feelings as I do... positive, strong, loving. This song is that. It's more than music. It's more than an anthem. This song was chosen on the Michael J. Fox ABC special last week about optimism. But, it's more than even that. It's truly flies.

I picked out these three songs because they are special in a next-level way. The others are fantastic and the album is dynamite, but these, right now, are songs I can hear and be transported by.

Two days to the big show at the Vic in Chi-Town. Next Thursday, I'll be back with the final WHITE LIES FOR DARK TIMES entry. This will be when the show has already sunk in. Whew...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

White Lies For Dark Times

Ben Harper and Relentless7 realeased their debut album WHITE LIES FOR DARK TIMES on Tuesday.

Here's the playlist:

1) Number With No Name
2) Up To You Now
3) Shimmer and Shine
4) Lay There & Hate Me
5) Why Must You Always Dress In Black
6) Skin Thin
7) Fly One Time
8) Keep It Together (So I Can Fall Apart)
9) Boots Like These
10) The Word Suicide
11) Faithfully Remain

And, if you were lucky enough to pre-order the album, you got these bonus songs:

- The Word Suicide (LIVE)
- Up To You Now (LIVE)
- Eldorado
- Spanish Red Wine

A little review...

"Number With No Name" is a 70s funk John Lennon type song fused with something off the BLACK SNAKE MOAN soundtrack (the only good thing about that movie). It's a perfect start to the album.

"Up To You Now" is a challenging political/social song in the vein of Bob Marley or Bob Dylan. And, it's got one of the best bridges ever, where, in the live version, Ben Harper soars with a vocal that's just pure heart.

"Shimmer and Shine" is the single, but Ben Harper really doesn't make singles. It's the song he played on Wednesday's David Letterman show. It's pure knock out rock.

"Lay There & Hate Me" is a 70s funk song that reminds me of Al Green meets The Doors "Five to One." Unbelievable.

"Why Must You Always Dress In Black" is Johnny Cash meets Mudcrutch. It's a power, blast off song that moves.

"Skin Thin" pulls it back a little, more of a light rock song, similar to Ben Harper's greats like "Amen Omen" and "She's Only Happy In The Sun." Beautiful.

""Fly One Time" is the most inspiring song of the year.

"Keep It Together (So I Can Fall Apart)" is Jimi Hendrix in the best possible way. The guitar solo is amazing.

"Boots Like These" is a fun, party song.

"The Word Suicide" is one of those songs that hits you on so many levels and changes every time you hear it. Brilliant.

"Faithfully Remain" is another softer rock song that's perfect for the one you love.

"Eldorado" is an instrumental much like his previous "#3" and "Paris Sunset #7." He's just showing off at this point.

"Spanish Red Wine" is a soundtrack song. It's mood music... right now. It'll sneak up on me and end up being one of my favs. Very needed on an album like this for balance and pace.

I compare Ben Harper to these other greats like Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, Bob Dylan, Tom Petty and The Beatles not to say that he rips them off. No way. Not in a million years. He's in a category of his own. These other guys are just my other favorites, and it's what I have to pull from. It's what I know.

I think Ben Harper and Relentless7 is a natural progression from the great rock bands. Let's face it. Rock has gone downhill in the last ten years or so. Accept for the new releases by the bands above, there's not many new rock bands that are really great.

Then came Ben Harper. When he's playing with the Innocent Criminals, it's pure brilliance. But, when he plays with Relentless7, it's pure rock.

Run out as fast as you can and buy the new album. And, go to the shows. But, save me a space by the stage.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Life Before Livelihood

Yesterday, President Obama hit the 100 day benchmark in office. Established in the Roosevelt era, this number seems a bit arbitrary now. Why not 101? Why not 200? Or 30? I'll tell you why... Americans like round numbers. And, most of the time, we don't question things like this. We just roll with the punches.

In his news conference, he talked a bit about torture, the economic state, the car companies... But, from this question-and-answer session, I thought of what the most important things are to Americans and to citizens of this world. I consider myself a citizen of this world first, then an American. Being an American just means I am very lucky, and I start life with a ten step lead.

Life before livelihood. What does this mean? It's a way to measure all things important in this world. It's a theory on living and how to live. It's a projection of what capable greatness governments and people can have. And, it's a message that we need some real fundamental change.

Life. Life is people. The issues of life start with something like the catastrophic events and human rights violations unfolding in places like Darfur. Life involves the child sex slaves in Cambodia. Life involves 18 or 19-year-old American soldiers (or 10-year-old child soldiers in DRC) in vast deserts. Life is food. Life is usually literal, like the eroding environment that will lead to the death of EVERYONE. These issues should take precedent over livelihood issues.

So, what is livelihood? Livelihood is cars, movies, cell phones, clothes, etc, all of which I enjoy and sometimes think I can't live without. These are the bonuses of life... in a country that can afford it. But, these things aren't essential to life. These things only make life more interesting and provide conversation points, but they don't add up to a hill a beans if you look through the proper prism.

I saw a Charles Schwab commercial yesterday. It was one of those directed by Richard Linklater. You know... the cartoons that are actually real people. In it, a businesswomen looks like she's taking questions from an interviewer. And, she says, "I can't even look at my portfolio..." I couldn't believe it. Her life is so bad. Boo hoo. Poor lady. It's unimaginable that she lost money on stupid investments. These are the problems of middle class Americans.

I realize that the economic situation is bad. People losing jobs is never good. We need money to make the wheels go 'round. Okay. I get it. But, the businesswomen's statement forced me to look at this whole thing with some realistic perspective. If you live in America, you'll never really be poor. Not REALLY poor... although some NOLA victims will disagree. To compare poverty in America to, say, Africa, let's do a little experiment and what if.

Let's say I live in Detroit. I lose my job at the automobile plant. I run out of money. I lose my home, my car, my items. I'm homeless. It's cold outside and I have no food or money. That's about as bad as it gets in America. Agreed? Okay. That's scenario #1.

The next situation is this: I live in Darfur. I'm an IDP (internally displaced person), which means that I used to be a farmer in the northeast region of Sudan, but I've been driven off my land and forced to live in a camp that offers some protection through sheer numbers. It's hot outside and I have no food or money. Bad. Agreed? Okay.

Here's the difference. In America, if I'm homeless, I have options. I could always go into the local grocery store and steal food. In Darfur, THERE ARE NO GROCERY STORES. In America, I could always commit a crime and get caught, ending up in jail with food and shelter. In Darfur, if I do something to offend the local authorities, they'll probably just rape my family, burn my body and throw it in the well, poisoning the water for my entire community.

I'm not trying to dismiss the problems American's have. But, I don't understand when someone doesn't think that we are part of a global community. We're so willing to slap hands at a football game with someone who happens to live in the same city as us. But, we can't extend a hand to people in dire need? Why is there such a disconnect?

Life before livelihood. We need to solve these life problems now. That way, we can deal with livelihood problems (which are real and painful and horrible, too - I know). So, let's do it. Let's get these things taken care of:

- Human Rights for all
- Safety and Protection for all
- No Unnecessary War
- Environment
- Health Care & Prevention

... so we can worry about things like:

- Stock Market
- Corporate Raiders
- The party next Saturday

On a livelihood note: For those who don't know, Manny Pacquiao is fighting Ricky Hatton on Saturday. This will be an amazing fight between two warriors. I pick Pacquiao to WIN in a decision. But, I think he wins Rounds 6-12 pretty handily. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Earth Day

Yesterday, April 22, was Earth Day.

I don't know what anyone else did to celebrate... but, I recognized the special day in my own special way. Since I don't believe stupid scientists at all when it comes to global warming and climate change, I did the opposite of what they say to do and not to do.

I found as many aerosol cans and just sprayed them outside my house, pointing them directly at the ozone layer.

Instead of using Waste Management for my garbage, I just went to the local park and opened the bag of dirty baby diapers and syringes and scattered the trash all over the jungle gym.

I bought a Hummer and parked it outside my house, but kept it turned on.

I turned on all the lights and appliances in my house and pumped up the air conditioning.

I did all of this because it's my right as an American to be as messy and consuming of energy as possible. Plus, it costs waaaay too much money to actually be good too the environment.

Oh, yeah... I also called up a fur company that's stationed in Alaska, and I asked them if they'd club another seal, just for me. And, they did. It was awesome!

So... Happy Earth Day. Maybe this trend that I'm starting will continue...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

2009 NBA Playoffs

This promises to be a great Playoffs and Finals. For NBA fans, what's better than having the two best players on the two best teams? So, here are my Playoff predictions for this year:



Los Angeles Lakers (1) vs. Utah Jazz (8)


Denver Nuggets (2) vs. New Orleans Hornets (7)


San Antonio Spurs (3) vs. Dallas Mavericks (6)


Portland Blazers (4) vs. Houston Rockets (5)



Cleveland Cavaliers (1) vs. Detroit Pistons (8)


Boston Celtics (2) vs. Chicago Bulls (7)


Orlando Magic (3) vs. Philadelphia 76ers (6)


Atlanta Hawks (4) vs. Miami Heat (5)




Los Angeles Lakers (1) vs. Houston Rockets (5)


Denver Nuggets (2) vs. San Antonio Spurs (3)



Cleveland Cavaliers (1) vs. Miami Heat (5)


Orlando Magic (3) vs. Chicago Bulls (7)



Los Angeles Lakers (1) vs. San Antonio Spurs (3)



Cleveland Cavaliers (1) vs. Orlando Magic (3)



Cleveland Cavaliers vs. Los Angeles Lakers


LeBron James - Finals MVP

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Today's post will be a short, light read.

I have an issue to take up with The Creator of All Things. What popped into your head when you invented the skunk? Were you pissed off at something? Did you eat buffalo wings for lunch that day and rip a hole through your toga? What's the story?

I understand it's a defense mechanism, sure. A porcupine is another small animal with a stellar defense. But, you don't see an angered porcupine shooting quills all over the place, willy nilly.

Couldn't you have made the skunk's spray at least go away after a couple of minutes? The skunk could still scurry to safety after it squirted the bear in the nose. Does the stink have to stay THAT long? Like a week long...

It seems like every day, I'm driving with the windows down, enjoying the nice spring day when... AWWWW! MAN! A skunk! And, how in the hell does the skunk have enough juice to make a whole county smell? Can't it be limited to a square mile radius? Does it really have to be potent enough to spread across state lines?

What animal is the skunk's natural predator in Kane County, Illinois? The deer? Is there something we don't know about deers? Are they actually carnivores? Who are these skunks hitting?

And, if you gave them this power, why did you make them so stupid? Skunks don't really learn their lesson. They see that their cousin got run over by a Toyota yesterday... but, he comes right up to the road, and decides "It's all clear. I can make it across. Every single one of my family members has been run over releasing our little pouch of stench into the air, but I think I'll be the one. I'll make it."

And to the drivers... when you see a skunk crossing the road, SWIRVE. Or, stop. Let the little bugger cross. He's obviously in a hurry. And, you know how you tell that it's a skunk? It's looks like a SKUNK! It's black and white. It's not a possum. Possums look like Alec Baldwin in BEETLEJUICE when he pushes his hand into the back of his head. Skunks look like skunks.

That's it. If I could get an answer soon, that would be fantastic. Thanks.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

What's Your Bag?

I want to find out what drives everyone on a daily basis. The readers of this blog have a lot of different backgrounds and professions. But, I have something in common with all of you.

So, what's your thing? What's your cause?

I have my daily essentials. I love the NBA. I watch A LOT of basketball every week. I love movies. I watch a movie a day. I love to write. I write for at least an hour a day (scripts, books, songs, intrusive blogs).

Sure, these things are fun and make for easy conversation. But, they don't define me. I hope that nothing defines me. But, let's see. What is important to me?

Wife and kid. Family. Of course. Obvious answer. To flesh this out though... Having a partner in crime is important. Gay, straight, whatever. As long as you have someone that challenges you and motivates you. And, my kid is like the cool version of me. Where I am flawed, he is perfect.

A level playing field. I don't think socioeconomic status or class defines character or happiness. Money still means nothing to me. This is a good and bad thing, I know. I just think there are a lot more important things. A LOT.

Being good and generally content. I like to smile. And, I try to have a good day every day.

Animals are lovely. I'm not a vegetarian. So, I'm somewhat of a hypocrite on this one. But, I believe all animals should be treated kindly. No animal should ever be skinned or tortured in any way.

The future. I recycle, I drive a hybrid and I turn all the lights off in my house. I try to do my small little part. I'm not perfect, but I'm definitely an aware consumer.

Art is life. I think every person on this planet should write, paint, draw, act, play music, dance, sing and partake in art on a daily basis. Art is one of the most primitive forms of communication. But, it can also be elaborate, entertaining and educational. There's no easy definition. That's why it is what it is.

Thinking. Smart is good. Dumb is bad. Learning is growing. If you don't grow, you're a stale fart. And, what's worse than a stale fart? N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Nothing.

Laughing. I wish I could make people laugh more. I envy comedians. They've figured it all out.

Adventure. My ideal life would consist of never knowing what I would do tomorrow. Life is to be explored, not scheduled.


Those are a few of the things that are important to me. What's important to you? I really want to know. I've met some interesting people in my life. But, I always regret not having more of these type of conversations. So, I want to know what floats your boat.

What's your bag?

The Correct Answers to Movie Trivia

The correct answers are:

1. Daniel Day-Lewis (Christy Brown - MY LEFT FOOT, Daniel Plainview - THERE WILL BE BLOOD)

Jack Nicholson (R.P. McMurphy - ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST, Melvin Udall - AS GOOD AS IT GETS

Tom Hanks (Andrew Beckett - PHILADELPHIA, Forrest Gump - FORREST GUMP)

Dustin Hoffman (Ted Kramer - KRAMER VS. KRAMER, Raymond Babbitt - RAINMAN)

Marlon Brando (Terry Malloy - ON THE WATERFRONT, Vito Corleone - THE GODFATHER)

Spencer Tracy, Gary Cooper or Fredric March





Video Bonus - b (Liam Fountain)

Thanks for playing.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Another Movie Trivia

Trivia is back! I hope you enjoy. If you get all the answers correct, you will win something special this time. Peace of mind. Can't beat it. Good luck.

1) Sean Penn just won the Academy Award for his brilliant work as Harvey Milk in MILK. This is his second Oscar for Best Actor. He won his first Best Actor Oscar in 2004 when he played Jimmy Markum in MYSTIC RIVER. Name two other actors who've won two best actor statues, and name the movies and characters they won it for.

2) Kate Winslet has been nominated for Best Actress in a Leading Role four times, with another two nominations for Best Supporting Actress, finally winning for her role as Hanna Schmitz in THE READER. Out of these five movie, choose the two movies in which she was nominated as a Supporting Actress:


3) Leonardo DiCaprio has been in four movies in his career that have made over $100 million at the Domestic Box Office. Out of these five Leo films, pick the film that hit this $100 million mark:


4) James Cameron has directed huge blockbuster hits like TITANIC, TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY and ALIENS. But, he's also been at the helm of a few documentaries and lower budget affairs. Out of these five films, which one did he direct?


5) What was the first film that Johnny Depp acted in?


**This is a video bonus question - Watch this three minute video:

Who is the actor portraying 'Mad' Max Rockatansky?

a) Mel Gibson
b) Liam Fountain
c) Paul Walker
d) Thomas Hayden Church
e) Danny Glover

Please send in the answers as a comment here on Google. Or, email me the correct answers.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Throw Me The Idol

I'll throw you the whip.

I admit it. I watch American Idol. I'm one of the 30 million people every week who do. Fine. Throw eggs at my house. Stone me in public. I don't care. I like the show. I complain the entire time it's on, and I vow to never watch it again... until next week, when I make sure to DVR an extra 10 minutes, just in case it runs over. It's not an addiction. I chose to watch. And, for all of my indie instincts, it's my one guilty pleasures. But, I have some issues (besides the obvious objections to horrible mass media brainwashing).

Why does Randy always say, "Welcome to Season 8!" when a contestant moves past Hollywood week? Aren't we already on Season 8? The cameras are rolling. I am watching. It's the fifth episode of the season. So... what doesn't Randy get about this? Actually, I'm convinced Randy blacks out and loses consciousness. Seriously. Watch Randy closely. He always says stuff like "I don't know if I like it" or "What?" after a performance. I think he really misses it. Maybe he has a short attention span. Or, maybe he goes into mini seizures (he is diabetic). Either way, I like him now. He's the most entertaining part of the show because of this revelation.

If Porky Pig and the guy in THE GREAT OUTDOORS who got struck by lightning 6... 6... 66 times had a kid, it would be Paul Adbul. Spit it out already! Has she ever had a clear, comprehensible thought? She told a blind man that he should step out from behind his piano and have more stage presence. Nuff said.

Kara DioGuardi just agrees with everything Randy says. She agrees with the guy that daydreams on live television. She peaked in the auditions. And, since then, she's been a broken record.

Everything that's needed to be said about Simon Cowell has already been said. I'll leave him alone. I do like when he says "rubbish" though. I like that word. I'm going to try integrating into daily conversation. It's a word that American women (Gwyneth Paltrow, Madonna, Jennifer Connelly) who are/were married to British men use. And, I like it.

Why are there so many token characters on this show? There's always a country singer, even if he is a horrible singer. This year, it's the tubby oil rig worker. And, why is that so endearing? Does he represent blue collar, Southern Americans because he works on an oil rig? Why does that earn him bonus points? Let's face it. He's a dipshit. He's useless. But, I guess if Bucky Covington went on to have a successful country music career, so can he. Everyone remembers Bucky, right? Yeah. He has a singing career. I guess when the songs in country music are about pick-up trucks, your dog, and buckets of paint, people like Bucky fit right in.

Megan Joy (who recently dropped her last name, Corkery - good call) has a big arm/shoulder tattoo. And, every time she sings, I can just hear all the conservative, uptight mothers across the country telling their daughters, "Ewwww... Look at that. That's disgusting. Oh, my good Lord. Don't you ever do something like that..." She won't make the top 5 because of these prejudiced sentiments. And, she should. She's THE most unique of all the singers on the show. Acts like Amy Winehouse and Duffy prove that there is a market for singers like her, but she will struggle with American Idol's audience.

Adam Lambert, are you kidding me? Brian Wright, are you kidding me that you know Adam Lambert's name? What are you? A reptile? Very scary. I hope that Flock of Seagulls haircut dies (again) soon. That haircut is getting way out of hand. And, that tongue. If I see that guy's tonsils again while murdering another great song, I might... well, I'll do nothing. I'll just complain a little more and tune in next week. But, this guy has ruined Johnny Cash AND The Rolling Stones. What's next? Pissing on a Tom Petty song?

I need a sequel to this post, I think. For now, this will have to do. Let me know what you think. Who do you think will win? Top 3? Write in.

** Rent CHE with Benicio Del Toro. I just watched Part I, and it was mind blowing. Sean Penn was right. Benicio should have been nominated. The film should have been, too. This might be Steven Soderbergh's best picture. And, that's saying something.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

40 Hour Work Week

This week's post has to do with the current corporate system of the 40 hour work week, and how it's structured over five days. Since we're in a recession, maybe a depression, we're obviously in need of change. Some Asian countries and companies were notorious for working six days a week, and long hour days. That's overworking. Anyone can see that.

I think the work week should be as follows:

MONDAY - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
TUESDAY - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
WEDNESDAY - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
THURSDAY - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
FRIDAY - Day Off
SUNDAY - Day Off

This way, employees will still make it home on Tuesday and Wednesday night to see American Idol. And, it's still a 40 hour work week.

Pella has done this. And, the benefits have been reducing costs for the company, but retaining employees when the economy does recover. Another benefit is the energy saving effects. On Fridays, companies that adopt this new schedule can save money on their electric bill when lights, computers, fax machines and copiers are turned off. And, this helps reduce carbon emissions.

Studies have shown that the four day work week resulted in higher job satisfaction and less work/family conflict, leading to higher productivity. Let's face it. Half the day is spent on the internet, reading emails, watching YouTube, or doing Google searches anyway.

Speaking of Google... American corporations should think about following the Google model of making employees happy. After all, a happy employee is a better employee. I'm not saying that workers should wear flip-flops and shorts... wait. I AM saying that. Not with customers, but call centers or the non-customer related side of business. But, more than that, companies should have leisure activities at work. Google has ping pong tables, video games and lounges. And, they're a powerhouse company, always innovating and growing. Companies should be promoting a community feel, where employees like going to work.

Also, having another day off means that people will be spending money on that day off. Families will go out to lunch, go shopping, take more three-day vacations. This will help the overall economy.

All of this might be my confession that I don't know anything about business. But, America is in the worst economy it's been in since the 1930s partly because of this stale, lame corporate setup. And, change is happening everyday by way of layoffs and downsizing and bankruptcy and failure. Maybe the corporate world needs an outsider's take. Maybe the big guy isn't such an idiot.

Okay, okay. I won't go THAT far. But, what do you think? Do you think this system would be beneficial? Help? Hurt? Why? Why not? Anyone there? Anyone? Bueller?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

GOP Continuation

I forgot this guy:

So, the party is riding high on the hopes of a 13 year old. A 13 year old, dude.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Republican Party

As a registered Independent, I can easily float around and point my finger and place blame where I see fit. If I see a Democrat who's acting like an idiot, party affiliation doesn't get in the way of calling him out. Left and right political ideologies don't hamper my ability to see things as they really are (even though one could argue that being an Indy IS a political ideology - I vehemently disagree). So, I want to take a look at the landscape of American politics. More specifically, I want to explore the Republican Party's leaders to determine what the future holds. Because, right now, it doesn't look good. Let's start with:


First... Yes. He is. STOP TRYING TO PRETEND THAT HE ISN'T A PARTY LEADER! When you are the spokesman and representative of a party's ideals on a daily basis to millions of radio listeners, then, naturally, you are a party leader. When you define what a conservative is in a keynote address to the nation, you are a party leader. When the RNC Chairman publicly apologizes to you, then admits you're a party leader, you are a party leader. With that out of the way, it's a sad state of affairs for the party when this guy is the leader. He's got a big, fat opinion (who doesn't?). But, that's all. He's biased media, which is okay. But, let's not confuse this guy's thoughts and ideas with actual important politics.


He's the RNC Chairman. Yeah. The same one that apologized to Rush Limbaugh. And, here's the kicker: He was right to say "Rush Limbaugh, his whole thing is entertainment... Yes, it's incendiary. Yes, it's ugly." He showed no backbone in this debacle. He should have told Rush Limbaugh to go fuck himself (in more PG words) and really taken control of the party. But, by admitting his so-called mistake, he showed that he's not a party leader... even though he's technically THE party leader.


I liked SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE. You liked SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE. It won a shitload of Oscars. Great. But, for the party to try capitalizing on that by pushing Bobby Jindal to the front of the line as the representative (and possible 2012 candidate), it showed their great weakness. Now, I'm half joking. I don't think that SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE has anything to do with it. But, his response speech was a "Hello, America" moment. And, although it was a thankless job, it allowed him to position himself as the party frontrunner for 2012. But, for having that free public platform to really wow the country and win supporters, he tanked.

Let's face it. Because Obama is such a great orator, his opponent will have to be to. You might love Bobby Jindal's policies and think he's a saint, but he doesn't have the verbal fervor of Obama. Not even close. He actually sounds shy and unconfident. And, in the response speech, he looked downright scared of the spotlight. Most of all, he didn't offer clear resolutions and rebuttals to Obama's recovery plan. Instead, he pandered to the "America can do anything" crowd. He gets a D- for the speech. And, unfortunately, this was his time to shine. He could have changed some minds and formed alliances. Instead, he did everything but take himself out of the presidential race. Bad boy Bobby.


Laying low. Rightfully so. Lord knows she doesn't need three years of even more ridiculous sound bites and moron moments. But, she's going to be a 2012 candidate. Here's a question to all you Republicans out there: Has the honeymoon worn off? How long did the Sarah Palin fever last? Two months? Still going? When someone like this is your party leader, your potential presidential candidate, a representative of your party, your party has problems.

So, let's recap. Right now, the Republican Party is betting on a pompous radio prick, a spineless goon, a shy, 16 year-old Indian kid from Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?, and a legally retarded Alaskan. Problems anyone?

Thursday, February 26, 2009


This post is for all the NBA fans out there. Everyone else might want to go back to sleep or go back to pretending like you're working hard.

Award time. Let's pick 'em... Please write in your picks for each category. I'll keep your choices and we'll compare when the season is done and a new champion is crowned. My picks:

2009 NBA MVP: LeBron James

2009 NBA Champions: Cleveland Cavaliers

2009 NBA Finals MVP: LeBron James

2009 Eastern Conference Champions: Cleveland Cavaliers

2009 Western Conference Champions: Los Angeles Lakers

2009 NBA Defensive Player of the Year: Dwight Howard

2009 NBA Coach of the Year: Mike Brown

2009 NBA Rookie of the Year: Derrick Rose

2009 Sixth Man Award: Jason Terry

2009 Most Improved Player: Devin Harris (Sorry, Danny Granger)

2009 NBA 1st Team:

Chris Paul
Kobe Bryant
LeBron James
Tim Duncan
Dwight Howard

Let's hear it...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

War and Weed

Because I'm attending Roosevelt University, I decided to not be a total hack and do some research about the person that the school is named after, Franklin Roosevelt. And, thinking about Roosevelt and learning new information on the man led to a theory about some possible remedies for our current economic situation.

First, a piece of must-know information. One of the significant events that preceded the Great Depression was the Stock Market crash of 1929. The initial crash was on what some refer to as Black Thursday. The exact date was October 24, 1929. Exactly 50 years later, in a Las Vegas Hospital, yours truly was born. Yes. On the 50th Anniversary, October 24, 1979, Brian Fredrick Wright was born. I just Bo Jackson-ed (referred to myself in the 3rd person). So, there has to be some reason for that. And, I think it's this:

Most experts agree that World War II acted as a springboard to recovery for America following the Depression. Jobs were created based on the needs of the Military. Hundreds of thousands of unemployed workers were now full-timers, building vehicles and packaging food and printing papers and doing jobs that were born from the War. In the six years of World War II, unemployment went from over 10% to roughly 1.2% when the war ended in 1945.

Okay. So, what's the point? Some will say that we're already at war. Two wars, to be exact. But, I think we can all agree that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan don't create jobs (except for the elite companies chosen for contracts). But, there is a war that can not only create jobs, but build a universal pride in America, and put us back on the moral high ground in the world. And, this war will be short. Actually, I hate to even call it a "war" because the war part is the gateway to a larger, more efficient strategy of investment.

The war is in Sudan. I agree that there are evil forces in Afghanistan and Iraq, but on the global evil scale, President Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir of Sudan is the equivalent of Adolf Hitler. Many have heard of the Darfur conflict, but most don't know that al-Bashir is directly involved in the deaths of roughly 400,000 people and the displacement of over 2.5 million people. On top of that, daily rapes of women and children and gruesome murders occur.

Is this a reason for war? Yes. I think so. The great, leading American minds on this don't agree with me. These heroes of mine want a peaceful solution. And, I admire them for that. But, 80s Arnold movies taught me that, sometimes, you need to kick ass and take name. But, like I said, this was will lead to something bigger. And, because the US has the most unbelievable military in the world, we can make this war short and sweet. Which leads to the the bigger deal. The Big Deal (yes, taken from Roosevelt's New Deal).

The Big Deal will start in a now democratic Sudan, and spread throughout Africa. One part of The Big Deal will be called InvestAfrica. The model will be Sudan. And, in Sudan, with a democratically elected President (which Sudan used to have until al-Bashir led a coup in 1989), America will invest in the infrastructure and people of Sudan. We'll build roads, telephone capability, power, etc. We'll create jobs. We'll make a now struggling country turn into the model country of Africa. And, other countries will follow. I'd love to speak to finance, infrastructure and government experts on this to really map out the plan. Until then, I'll push for the overall ideology. This idea could be a whole book. For now, it must live here, on a blog. But, hopefully, it can expand into policy.

Another huge factor in stopping the Great Depression was something so simple, yet so important to the fabric of America that we tend to forget about it. And, that's ending Prohibition. Prohibition lasted from 1920 to 1933. In that time, the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol for consumption were banned nationally. It was Constitutional law. So, what happened? Bootlegging rose hence crime rose. People were going to drink... no matter what. They visited illegal bars and speakeasies. They got their alcohol. And, organized crime blossomed and benefitted.

What is the 2009 mirror of alcohol in the 20s? Weed. Pot. Marijuana. That's right. The border problem we have with Mexico is not just illegal immigrants. We have major problems with violence spilling into US border towns form Mexican drug cartels. These violent drug cartels thrive off American consumption of their product. My idea works two-fold for this, and makes Mexican drug cartels irrelevant.

First, the national government must legalize marijuana - the use, sale, manufacture, and transportation. Decriminalize it. Then, industrialize it. Imagine the jobs created in the legal marijuana market. There would be farms, equipment, transportation, wholesale, retail - millions of jobs will be created. Much like alcohol in the 1920s, present pot smokers will smoke pot NO MATTER WHAT. So, why not fix problems?

We have to start thinking Green, too. But, there isn't a plain and simple answer to those problems. I wish there was. But, lifestyle changes are always gradual. I have ideas on simple ways to head in the direction of living green, but that's a different article all together.

So, what do you think? Problems with my plan? Holes? Would you approve of this new world where the economy flourishes and there's smiles on everybody's face?

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Bird

I have two topics I want to discuss today. First, the Alex Rodriguez steroid scandal. I don't want to get into what side I'm on and what I think about steroid use. But, I do want to talk about one particular part of the debate. And, that's the fact that every article I've read about this and every TV broadcast about it all talk about what affect it has on kids. On children. A lot of people say that the children are the ones affected most because they look at their heroes in a certain way and blah, blah, blah...

It's such a simplistic way of looking at this whole situation. What do these people think? That if they bring up just the idea of children, that, oh, no. No way. It's killing the children. Can't argue with that. The children. Oh, geez. So, I want to explore this scenario.

A child of eight, a youth league baseball player and avid fan of the Yankees, is watching cartoons. He decides to flip the channel to CNN, and he catches the coverage of the A-Rod steroid story. He loves A-Rod. Looks up to him. Admires him. Wants to grow up and play major league baseball. But, since he saw that his hero is a steroid user, which he doesn't understand at all, he's crushed. He's crushed because he knows that his hero is a cheater. A low-life bastard. Someone who robbed the purity of the game. His childhood is ruined. He's miserable at school. His grades drop. His friends hate him now. His parents are nowhere to be seen. And, if they were around, their hands are tied. Their only parents. And, we all know that parents have no real impact on a child's thoughts.

The kid grows up and has issues of trust and confidence. He's long removed from baseball, now spending his days at the video game parlor, drinking can after can of Red Bull just to stay up and play more Deer Hunter games. He loves the feel of that plastic rifle as he blasts the digital deer into oblivion. But, he needs more. So, he buys a real rifle. Next thing you know he's picking people off one by one at the mall. And, it's massive bloodshed and heartbreak. And, most importantly, it's Alex Rodriguez's fault.

Come on! You must see how ridiculous this is. I'll buy anyone's idea that what A-Rod did, and what many steroid users in baseball do, is detrimental to the game. I love valid arguments. But, I will no longer accept that his actions have anything to do with anybody's kid. It's not realistic. It's lazy. And, it gets us no where. If you want to have an interesting discussion about A-Rod and steroids, leave the kids out of it.

The next topic is one that bugs me on almost a daily basis. Here it is: You're at a crosswalk. You start to walk across. And, a car pulls up who doesn't see you. He/she brakes, stops for you. You stop walking, not wanting to be hit by a moving vehicle, and make eye contact with the driver. And, what does that driver do next?

Exactly! He motions you across by a flick of the wrist. Are you kidding me!? I'm begging everyone, from now on, to stop the flick of the wrist thing. The order... that you're giving the walker. Don't ever do it again. It's very condescending. And, it's unnecessary. Who do you think you are? A crossing guard? Are you a traffic cop? Do you have a whistle? Are you that insecure that you have to be in charge and give orders at the crosswalk?

Why not wave? The whole point is to show the pedestrian that you will not run him over. So, why not wave? Or, throw up a peace sign? Or, nod and smile? Why do you have to do the Tom Matsie sign for 'hit away'? It's trite. It's annoying. It makes you look like a weak, insecure prick who needs to push people around all day.

And, never, I mean NEVER, do the double flick of the wrist. If you're going with the flick of the wrist, you don't need to compound your jerky attitude by adding ANOTHER flick for the quick, double flick. Don't ever do it to me. Or, I'll give you a sign with my hand.

The bird.

Friday, February 6, 2009

She's Having A Baby

Congratulations to Frank and Jen Daczewitz on the birth of their baby boy. His name is Oliver Gracin Daczewitz, and he and his mother are healthy and doing great. Daddy is beaming and celebratory. Congrats, guys! Love the Olly.

This leads me to today's post. I want to explore the California octuplets mom and the whole situation. I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on this, because I really don't have a clue. Usually, I can line myself up with a side based on long thoughts and practical discussion. So far, I haven't with this.

In case you don't know, the story is that a California mother of six just had octuplets. So, she now has 14 total kids. Her name is Nadya Suleman. And, she's a single mom. Part of the controversy is that she had fertility treatments. Although I'm not an expert in this type of procedure, I know that in these cases, doctors implant hundreds if not thousands of eggs hoping that one will catch. Then, one baby is born. But, in some cases, more than one egg implants and survives. In this case, eight eggs landed or settled in or made it.

Part of me says that no one should have that many babies. Illinois law says that Day Care centers must have a maximum of four children per caretaker. I have one child, and I raise him with his mother. And, we're tired, always catching up, etc. Multiply that by 14!!! I can't imagine. So, I lean towards the group that wants doctors to monitor this, regulate it, and not allow this to happen.

Then, I start to think about the other side. And, when I start accessing the situation, I realize that it's none of my business. I might have an opinion about it, as so many others do, but my opinion doesn't matter. My opinion, whether for or against her, is inconsequential. And, you know what they say about opinions? Opinions are like assholes. Everyone's got one. Except the Coneheads, but that's a different story all together.

So, I'm asking everyone if they have an opinion. If so, why does your opinion matter? What do you think about this case? Do you care? Does it bother you? What side are you on?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Super Bowl

In 2006, I had the very fortunate and extremely lucky chance to attend Super Bowl XL. I stayed for only half of the game because I verbally sparred with a yuppie assface who sat behind me. There wasn't a problem the entire first half, but when The Rolling Stones hit the stage for the Half-Time Show, the part of me that dances when great classic rock comes on came alive. And, I danced. Or shook. Or stood and boogied.

Well, I guess you're not supposed to stand when watching The Stones. No. You supposed to be an old, crusty douche bag who sits there with his legs crossed and take in one of the greatest bands of all-time with a chip on your shoulder. I was wrong (even though the title of this blog states otherwise) and I learned my lesson.

I don't know. Maybe if I could do it over, I would've just sat and enjoyed the songs with a satisfied grin on my face, holding back every instinct to move during music. I guess. As I grow older and (hopefully) wiser, I grow less and less likely to start shit. Even though I really didn't start anything. But, you get my point. I think great tunes qualify someone to at least bob their head. But, I'll abide.

So, with the exception of the white-collar-cunt run-in, the Super Bowl is one of the greatest events to attend. It's not just the game, it's the pre-parties and events surrounding the game. It's great for couples, friends, family - it's perfect for a day of celebration.

Which leads to this Sunday's Super Bowl. Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Arizona Cardinals. Defense vs. Offense. Big Ben vs. Kurt Warner (Sorry, no cool nicknames for the biggest dork in the NFL). Here's my prediction:

Steelers 31 Cardinals 20

Big Ben wins Super Bowl MVP in a redemption of XL's 2 INTs. He passes for 250 yards and 2 TDs, no picks, plays perfect ball. Kurt Warner will finally nose dive this year and fall flat on his face. He'll throw a couple interceptions, and run his team into the ground.

Happy betting! And, I'll see everyone on the Monday drag. Good day.

PS - As you might be able to guess, I don't like Kurt Warner. I usually like all decent or good players. I know he put up exceptional numbers this year, but I don't like him. It's not that I don't like him, I just think he's silly (Thanks, Travis Bickle). I don't like his butch cut wife. I don't like the glove on his throwing hand. Am I alone? Does anyone feel the same?

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Gitmo. No more. In one year's time, the infamous prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba will close, indefinitely, therefore thrusting America back on the road to the world's perception of redemption. Barack Obama, on his second day as the President of the United States, signed an executive order issuing this decision. It was a bold move in the first 48 hours of his presidency, but a move that must build confidence in any of his detractors and naysayers. It's a small clue showing that he is more substance than style... that he will carry out the promises on the campaign trail, or try very hard to.

In addition to the Gitmo order, he also signed rules on lobbying, government ethics and transparency. Change, anyone? I think so. So, Obama is actually doing what he said he would do? Is this really possible? Obviously, it's too early to tell, but these are major steps in the right direction to really making a difference in American politics. Most of all, with these early moves, he's setting the bar very high for himself, but also future politicians.

So, with this week's post, I want to ask you a question. What should be the next priority for the Obama team? Should he get moving on the environment next? Should he take immediate/drastic measures to fix the economy? Obviously, a president can do more than one thing at a time, so what are his priorities? What's next?

On a side note with some similarities, has anyone heard about the Morgan Freeman documentary (PROM NIGHT IN MISSISSIPPI) about segregated proms? This is a very interesting story. Eleven years ago, Morgan Freeman heard about a high school in his home state that had a segregated prom - one black prom, one white prom. So, he offered to pay for a joined prom. It was met with much resistance, as over a decade passed before the school decided to accept his idea. When I first read about this, I was amazed that there's that much insanity going on. I know it's the South, but come on! It's 2009 in the South. We've passed most movies' idea of the future - 2001: A Space Odyssey, in THE TERMINATOR films, judgment day is in 1997, and I forget when DEMOLITION MAN takes place, but it's right around now.

So, my question here is this: What can we do on a daily basis to rid the country (then world) of racism? Knowledge is power. So, do whites have to learn more about black and African history? Should there be a weekly public discussion or TV show that talks about the roots of race problems? Should there be more or harsher bigotry laws? Should we all hold hands and sing sweet loves songs until we're so slap happy we couldn't care less if our neighbor was green? Or, does everyone just not care? My main concern is that racism stunts the growth of a nation. One of my main goals is to rid the world of any and all ignorance. So, I'm invested in this on a moral level. Plus, I'm a new parent. And, these are the things I think about when looking at my son's future. I want him to see the world and people in bright, exciting, unique and interesting colors. Not black and white... unless he's watching a really good film.

Not very many jokes in today's post. Chris Rock was right - it's hard to make Obama jokes. You can't really make Michael Jordan jokes, either. It's hard to be funny about excellence and brilliance. But, I do apologize. I'll try and be funny next week.

Friday, January 16, 2009

2008 - Year of Movies

The movies of 2008 were the best that I can remember. Much like the NBA's 2003 Draft, this year had a slew of Oscar movies that were some of the best in recent history. And, the rest of the year brought some of the great popcorn flicks of this decade. This is somewhat of a follow-up to an earlier post. The 2000s were tough to nail down because there weren't many standouts. But, 2008 brought us some of the best. So, officially, the 2000s have arrived. Now, 2009 has to finish us off and send us into a great teens. Huh? Teens? Yeah. That's right. Good, Very Good or Great movies of 2008 (in reverse box-office order):

GONZO: THE LIFE WORK OF HUNTER S. THOMPSON (Great) - If you like HST's work or story, you'll love this documentary. It's an inside to this guy's mad life. And, it explores the mind of one of the best writers ever.

THE READER (Good) - Kate Winslet is proving that she's her generation's best actress.

SHINE A LIGHT (Great) - I saw this at Hollywood ArcLight's Dome. And, if you've ever visited this theater, you know that it's an experience in itself. Pile on Martin Scorsese's look at a Rolling Stones charity concert in New York and it's unforgettable.

FROST/NIXON (Very Good) - Thrilling, captivating, exciting... interview. Yes. Powerhouse performances by Frank Langella and Michael Sheen make this Ron Howard flick a must-see. And, any movie with Sam Rockwell is worth watching.

MAN ON WIRE (Great) - One of the top docs of the year, this picture explores the man who walked the tight rope between the World Trade Center Towers.

THE WRESTLER (Great) - This is one of my favorite movies of the year. Mickey Rourke gives one of the year's best performances. It's just heartbreaking in every way. Darren Aronofsky is four for four.

REVOLUTIONARY ROAD (Great) - THERE WILL BE BLOOD was 2007's perfect film. This is 2008's. It won't win any awards for Best Picture, but it's the most perfect. Every shot, line of dialogue, performance, etc is pitch perfect - thank you, Sam Mendes. If Sean Penn didn't give an acting lesson in MILK, Leo would win the Oscar. Turns out that we'll have to settle for Kate Winslet deservedly winning Best Actress.

RACHEL GETTING MARRIED (Good) - Jonathon Demme directs this Anne Hathaway starrer. She was up for a Golden Globe and will be up for an Oscar.

BE KIND REWIND (Good) - This was a much missed movie by mainstream audiences, but it's references to 80s greats and stellar comedic performances by leads Jack Black and Mos Def make the movie. Danny Glover and Mia Farrow also deliver.

RELIGULOUS (Great) - The best documentary of the year, this Bill Maher collaboration with genius mind Larry Charles resulted in a hilarious review of modern religion. Kudos to Maher for tackling the most taboo of subjects.

GHOST TOWN (Good) - Spielberg's go-to writer David Koepp directed this Ricky Gervais vehicle. Here's a rule of cinema: Any movie starring Greg Kinnear will probably be at least watchable, if not good because of his performance alone.

PRIDE AND GLORY (Good) - When you pit Colin Farrell against Edward Norton, you're going to get a good movie. These are two of the finest actors around.

MILK (Great) - Sean Penn gives the year's best performance in this Harvey Milk bio-pic helmed by the great Gus Van Sant. Every actor is at the top of his game in this wonderful masterpiece. It's a shame that the picture isn't being rewarded more. This is an important movie. And, I think it's the best movie of the year.

DOUBT (Great) - I just stepped out of this film less that twelve hours ago. It's a powerhouse that leaves you breathless. Let me give you a little insider's secret... Amy Adams gives as good of a performance as Meryl Streep and Philip Seymour Hoffman. She's a little warrior.

VICKY CHRISTINA BARCELONA (Very Good) - Woody Allen is like fine wine - he's getting better with age. Really. I like most of his earlier work that I've seen. But, he's turned it up in the last five years.

TRAITOR (Good) - Another insider's secret: Don Cheadle is the greatest American actor. Go to IMDB, look at his movie list, and just start renting his filmography. He always gives a stand-out performance and he usually saves the movie.

W. (Good) - Oliver Stone as a humorist. Josh Brolin is making his comeback. Or made his comeback this year. This is just a fun look at our goofiest president. I just wish they had the shoe-throwing incident in there. Man, that was funny.

SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE (Great) - This might be the most refreshing movie of 2008 because of Danny Boyle's fun direction and all the unknown actors are superb. Best Picture? Maybe. It has the most momentum. And, it's so unique.

THE BANK JOB (Good) - Jason Statham has a formula now. He's the go-to guy for these $15 million productions that make their money back and then some. He might be Hollywood's safest bet in that regard.

LEATHERHEADS (Good) - I don't understand the harsh critiques of this fun movie. What's wrong with some of these fat-assed, bitter reviewers? This movie is a romp and the leads (Clooney, Zellweger, Krasinski) give loose, entertaining performances.

ZACH AND MIRI MAKE A PORNO (Great) - I think this is Kevin Smith's funniest movie. Seth Rogen is a great. And, everything that Craig Robinson says is hilarious.

NICK AND NORAH'S INFINITE PLAYLIST (Good) - Michael Cera is a breath of fresh air. He doesn't have six-pack abs. He's not a traditional leading man, yet he's one of Hollywood's best.

DEFINITELY, MAYBE (Good) - You have to judge movies for what they are. This is a harmless romantic comedy that delivered. Ryan Reynolds gives you Ryan Reynolds every time. And, that's a good thing.

THE LOVE GURU (Good) - I don't get it. This is on everyone's Worst List of 2008. If you like Austin Powers, how can you not like THE LOVE GURU? It's Mike Myers, people. He's funny. This isn't a great movie, but it's funny. And, it doesn't and shouldn't offend anyone. It doesn't make fun of Indians. It makes fun of everyone. Suck it up! Man! Relax!

SEMI-PRO (Good) - This is similar to THE LOVE GURU. DO you like Will Ferrell? If the answer is 'yes', then you'll laugh hysterically at this really funny basketball movie. If not, go fuck yourself.

CHANGELING (Very Good) - Angelina Jolie is the biggest victim of the bullshit media hype. Her performances suffer because of the constant exposure in the tabloids. And, that's a shame because she's really good in this. Oh, and did I mention that Clint Eastwood directed this? He's one of the best auteurs in cinemas roughly hundred years.

GRAN TORINO (Very Good) - Did I mention that Clint Eastwood is one of the best directors, actors, scorers, everything ever? He is. This one is one of his best.

BODY OF LIES (Great) - Why didn't people go see this Leo movie? It's amazing. Action, romance, thrills, explosions, Leo. Ridley Scott directed. It was the most overlooked of this year. I don't get it. I'll guarantee this one.

RAMBO (Good) - John Rambo is back. Sylvester Stallone proves that he's still relevant in cinema. I think everyone can agree the best part of the movie is when Rambo shreds about a thousand people with a truck-mounted machine gun. And, I love peace. I hate war... in real life. But, in movies, I want to see blood and guts... and I want to see evil Burmese men cut in half.

SPEED RACER (Good) - Another one of the movies this year that got a bum rap because of people's expectations. This is a kid's movie. The problem is that eight year old's can't drive to the theater and see movies alone. If they could, this would be one of the year's top box office successes.

BABY MAMA (Very Good) - I'll be the trillionth person in the world applauding Tina Fey. She's great. She's brilliant. Okay. But, her best move yet was to cast Steve Martin as her green-world boss.

BURN AFTER READING (Great) - In the tone of THE BIG LEBOWSKI, this Coen Bros flick is a wild one. Brad Pitt actually followed my friend Frank for a month for research for the role. And, John Malkovich is back! Yes!

VALKYRIE (Great) - Bryan Singer brings his fascination with Nazis into Tom Cruise's arena. The result: a gripping thriller and history lesson rolled into one. Tom Cruise, people. He's still one of the best. Don't you forget it!

FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL (Very Good) - Jason Segel is the new face of comedy. He's a big, oafish man (much like me) who isn't afraid of showing his penis on-screen for laughs.

ROLE MODELS (Good) - Paul Rudd is one of those actors that's been around for a long time, and he's played a crucial part in some great movies. Finally, he gets a big budget comedy to lead. And, he delivers.

HELLBOY II: THE GOLDEN ARMY (Good) - Guillermo Del Toro has a wonderfully unique way of seeing the world. And, I love how he shares it with us with interesting films.

27 DRESSES (Good) - Another rom-com that's formula, but it's fine. Sometimes we need a romantic comedy to break up the killing and war movies. James Marsden and Katherine Heigl are fantastic.

THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON (Very Good) - The story stands alone in terms of utter originality. Brad Pitt is starting to give more and more grown-up roles. What do I mean by that? I think he's a big kid who's played on-screen for the past twenty years. It's not a bad thing. That was his charm. But, when he did JESSE JAMES, he found a stillness and attitude that marked his graduation. He plays in BENJAMIN BUTTON, but he mixes that with subtle nuances. He's getting there. If he figures it out soon, he'll be the world's best actor.

YES MAN (Very Good) - Jim Carrey is the funniest film actor today. He's an idea man who gets it right with every comedy he makes. YES MAN is another brilliant performance in a long line of great comedies.

CLOVERFIELD (Very Good) - At first, I rebelled against this well-marketed hype machine. But, it was really good. Oh, I forgot to mention that I don't get motion sickness in movies. Why? Because I realize I'm watching a movie.

PINEAPPLE EXPRESS (Very Good) - One of the year's funniest, Seth Rogen and James Franco make a perfect match in this weed smoking movie. Franco is actually the best part of this pic, nailing the role of stoner that Sean Penn introduced twenty-five years before in FAST TIMES.

STEP BROTHERS (Very Good) - Maybe the year's funniest, this dumb ass movie (in a good way) was hilarious is so many different ways. Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly are crazy. I'll take credit for the poster. My wife and I did a similar portrait as a gag gift for Christmas in 2006.

EAGLE EYE (Good) - Another one that critics panned because of it's 'preposterous story.' I guess most critics couldn't believe that a super-computer could be the bad guy pulling strings of chaos. No way. In TERMINATOR it can work, but not in this fun Shia LaBeouf picture. Critics... shut up!

BOLT (Good) - Disney. Pixar. Need I say more? It's the most proven formula in movies.

TROPIC THUNDER (Good) - Ben Stiller, Jack Black and Robert Downey, Jr. pack this action-comedy with laughs. "I'm the dude, playin' the dude disguised as another dude."

GET SMART (Good) - Fun. Funny. Stupid... in a good way. I love movies, so I'm going to like a movie that's all of those things. I enjoy a breezy movie, and that's exactly what this is.

WANTED (Very Good) - I hate shoot-'em-ups. I'm tired of the jumping through the air and shooting two guns routine. But, WANTED did it better than any other with the best cast you could possibly assemble.

THE INCREDIBLE HULK (Good) - Another one I don't really understand. How could you like this movie and not like the Eric Bana/Ang Lee version. They're almost exactly the same! They both have a big green monster doing crazy smashy things. Ed Norton is good. So was Eric Bana. Good. Great. Wonderful. No yelling on the bus!

MAMMA MIA! (Good) - Who is this newcomer Meryl Streep? She's good. She's going to have a long career in Hollywood. I'll guarantee it.

SEX AND THE CITY (Great) - Any fan of the show will tell you that this movie went way beyond not disappointing. It was perfect for the superfan. The girls were back. And, I can't wait for the sequel. These are really great characters.

HORTON HEARS A WHO (Good) - It wasn't bad enough to keep off this list. I didn't love it, but it was entertaining. Jim Carrey's and Steve Carrell's voice make the movie watchable.

QUANTUM OF SOLACE (Very Good) - This follow-up to CASINO ROYALE didn't disappoint. Daniel Craig was in top Bond form as the revenge seeking, rogue MI:6 agent. If you like Bond films, you should like this one.

WALL*E (Great) - Maybe the year's best picture. I think this film should be up for Best Picture at the Academy Awards. It's that good. It's arguably the best Pixar movie. It's definitely the sweetest movie of the year.

HANCOCK (Good) - Will Smith summer movie = good. He's great as the lazy, boozing superhero. I wish I was a lazy, boozing superhero.

INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL (Great) - I've said it before and I'll say it again. They could make the next Indiana Jones movie about Indiana Jones taking a two-hour walk, and I'll be first in line and I'll love it. So, I'm biased. Okay. Come on! Indiana Jones whip cracking, diving, punching, smirking. It's ultimate escapism.

IRON MAN (Great) - One of the best comic book movies ever. This is just a wild ride for two hours. The Tony Stark character is fun and affable, and Robert Downey, Jr. is a real treat as the center of this movie. The action is fantastic, but the relationship between Gwyneth Paltrow and Downey is what makes this movie better than the others. They have fun and trade witty banter for the duration.

THE DARK KNIGHT (Great) - The phenomenon of the year. One of the biggest movies of all-time. The most anticipated film in years. And, like LeBron James, it exceeds every great expectation. This film is actually brilliant as art, not just popcorn fare. It's truly a masterpiece of cinema. Heath Ledger is wonderful, but so are Christian Bale and Aaron Eckhart and Morgan Freeman. Everyone, really. It's just one of those special films that seems to have a life of it's own.

I love movies. I wish I could make them for a living. For now, I'll watch as many as possible and learn, learn and learn. And, 2008 taught me a lot. This is one of the best years of movies ever.

Friday, January 9, 2009

On A Cold (And Snowy) Winter's Morn

Hello everybody!

I'm back... and I'm feeling good.
I love this land like I knew I would.
Back at home, back into town.
One more time around.

Last time here everything felt wrong.
The tune has changed. A way different song.
The key is to not let it get me down.
One more time around.

I'll try new things, find a place.
I'll look in the mirror and recognize my face.
I'll always keep both feet on the ground.
One more time around.

Will the sun shine the same?
Will sadness bring out the rain?
Will I return to find my sound?
One more time around?

I'll do anything, talk to any being.
No disagreeing with what I'm seeing.
I am the king. I'm going to wear the crown.
One more time around.

Sometimes when you don't have the words, it's better to write a song about it. This is a song I wrote a while back. It's called "One More Time Around." If you ever need a little confidence booster, a nudge that you're doing the right thing in your life, this song is for you. Sometimes it gets choppy out there, and we need a song to come in and give us a helping hand. Okay. There you go. Now, onto a couple of more important things, starting with...

What's with the noises coming out of the bathroom stalls in public restrooms? Why are there so many grunts and exhales and sniffles and stretches? I go in there, expecting to do my business for a minute or so, and I hear some strangers bathroom sounds? Can't all that happen in there without the sound effects? Can't it be a quiet process where he flushes a lot? Man! This is getting out of hand. Is this some sick way to share a private moment with a stranger? Because if it is, it's disgusting. I'm sorry to all my women readers on this one. But, the fellas have to deal with some rough stuff in the restroom. And, I've had it! No more noises! Bite your lip!

Why does Comcast Cable, or all cable companies for that matter, NEVER get it right with A&E Biography? Every single time I'm flipping through the channel menu and I come across A&E Biography, I look to see who's on there. Oh. It's Hugh Jackman. He's a fine actor. Wolverine. From Australia. Maybe I'll plop down in front of this for a minute or two. Then, I select said channel, and it's Robert Downey, Jr.'s biography. Okay. Fine. Good trade. Love Downey. He's great. But, it said Jackman! And, when did A&E Biography turn into TMZ? I want to hear about the essence of the man or woman. Not the latest tabloid fodder. And, why do they only use three pictures? Can't they reach into the archives and get a couple more photos to put on the show? Every single shot has the same photo. Come on!

This is what worries me. This keeps me up at night. Public toilets and A&E Biography. What keeps you up at night? The Boogeyman?

It's great to be back. I hope you all enjoy the weekend. And, I hope one of your New Year's Resolutions wasn't to stop reading this blog. I hope it was to START reading this blog. Either way, here's a sprinkle of peace... followed by a pinch of success... and touch of love... and a dash of honey.