Thursday, June 11, 2009

Crazy Or Stupid

It's your pick.

I've come up with a way to categorize every single human being into one of two nice little piles. You're either crazy or you're stupid, and that's that. The Dalai Lama and Forrest Gump are the only exceptions.

Obviously, there are nuances to each of these categories, but, essentially, you're one or the other. And, sometimes you're both (drug addicts).

I'll keep this short and simplify (for you stupid people out there). So, we'll take a look at what people can consider the opposites of these categories.

The opposite of stupid is... SMART. You guessed it (well, the stupid people didn't). But, if you're smart, the stupid people will drive you.... CRAZY. They have to. If you are truly smart, you realize that stupidity isn't good, and you're constantly reminded of this everyday when going about your daily routines. After years and years of this conditioning, it pushes you over the edge and you lose your mind. If you don't, you're too stupid.

The opposite of crazy is... SANE. Again, congrats. Good guess. If you're sane, that means you're not out killing people; you're doing what most people do, which is trying to live a nice, normal life... in the suburbs. But, you have to be so stupid to actually like this boring, complacent life. Or, you're so crazy that you hate it and do it anyway. Either way, we're back to the two categories.

I wish that I were stupid, because ignorance is bliss. Unfortunately, I'm smart, therefore I'm crazy... which is why I'm in constant search of drugs. Eventually, I'll be a drug addict.

And then I'll be BOTH.