Congratulations to Frank and Jen Daczewitz on the birth of their baby boy. His name is Oliver Gracin Daczewitz, and he and his mother are healthy and doing great. Daddy is beaming and celebratory. Congrats, guys! Love the Olly.
This leads me to today's post. I want to explore the California octuplets mom and the whole situation. I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on this, because I really don't have a clue. Usually, I can line myself up with a side based on long thoughts and practical discussion. So far, I haven't with this.
In case you don't know, the story is that a California mother of six just had octuplets. So, she now has 14 total kids. Her name is Nadya Suleman. And, she's a single mom. Part of the controversy is that she had fertility treatments. Although I'm not an expert in this type of procedure, I know that in these cases, doctors implant hundreds if not thousands of eggs hoping that one will catch. Then, one baby is born. But, in some cases, more than one egg implants and survives. In this case, eight eggs landed or settled in or made it.
Part of me says that no one should have that many babies. Illinois law says that Day Care centers must have a maximum of four children per caretaker. I have one child, and I raise him with his mother. And, we're tired, always catching up, etc. Multiply that by 14!!! I can't imagine. So, I lean towards the group that wants doctors to monitor this, regulate it, and not allow this to happen.
Then, I start to think about the other side. And, when I start accessing the situation, I realize that it's none of my business. I might have an opinion about it, as so many others do, but my opinion doesn't matter. My opinion, whether for or against her, is inconsequential. And, you know what they say about opinions? Opinions are like assholes. Everyone's got one. Except the Coneheads, but that's a different story all together.
So, I'm asking everyone if they have an opinion. If so, why does your opinion matter? What do you think about this case? Do you care? Does it bother you? What side are you on?