Thursday, June 4, 2009

Livin' In The Suburbs (Is Kinda Like Takin' Mushrooms)

Livin' in the suburbs
Is kinda like takin' mushrooms
You just wanna blow your...
Head off.

I got a... townhouse.
I got a... nine to five.
I got two and a half kids.
And I wonder if I will make it out alive.

Livin' in the suburbs
Is kinda like takin' mushrooms
You just wanna blow your...
Head off.

I'm bored... every single day.
So, I've decided... to drink it all away.
Heavy drugs... will make it all okay.
Even if I'm a closet gay.

Livin' in the suburbs
Is kinda like takin' mushrooms
You just wanna blow your...
Head off.

It's the same week, over and over.
Wake up and watch life pass me by.
It's the suburban blues that I feel.
It's enough to make me break down and cry.

Livin' in the suburbs
Is kinda like takin' mushrooms
You just wanna blow your...
Head off.

No more minivans!
No more Taco Bell!
No more soccer moms!
No more life of hell!

Livin' in the suburbs
Is kinda like takin' mushrooms
You just wanna blow your...
Head off.

This is one of my newest songs. I wrote it because I live in the suburbs and I'm really fucking bored. I like a fast paced, crazy life that brings me the unexpected. I don't like passing the same roadkill everyday, that I've started to give names to.

I have A LOT of hobbies. But, it still doesn't take away the fact that people in the suburbs drive 5 miles per hour UNDER the speed limit. Wait... that's until you try to pass them (which is the most exciting part of their day, I suppose). Then, they'll jam on the gas and make sure that you can't pass them. It's a competition thing. I get it. You have a small penis and you're trying to make up for it. Okay. Big deal. I drive a Hybrid you douche bag.

I just need more action. And diversity. All white people in the suburbs look the same... and I'm white. I like seeing all different colors, cultures and races. It reminds me that I'm part of a bigger world, that we all have stories that landed us in a certain town or city, and that's exciting. I don't like seeing the same middle-aged asshole with his Palin sticker still on his Jeep Grand Cherokee. It's over. She lost.

My sights are set on downtown again. I gotta get down there soon. I'm going stir crazy (which is actually the name of a noodle restaurant... in the suburbs). I need to be around bums and vagrants, hookers and pimps, street hustlers and city cops, students and artists, my type of people. I need the fear. I need a challenge. I don't need to be living next to eight different families with kids named Jacob and Madison.