Thursday, July 30, 2009


As you can see by this blog, I’m more than a genius. I teach the geniuses. I... all right. I can’t keep that up. It’s supposed to fit the theme of the blog, but I don’t like the character. Instead, I’ll give it to you plainly.

I don’t know much. But, neither do you. No one does. All we can do is read, write, love and learn. And, try to be smart. It doesn’t always work out. But, we must try.

There are many more topics that I didn’t even touch down on. But, I really do believe you can apply most of what I’ve discussed here into anything.

I hope you’ve come to the realization that some things are worth getting very upset about, but certainly not money. I hope that you’ll look at your kids now and know that they’re the best things ever, or when you have kids you’ll give them that benefit. I hope that when you choose to wake up in the morning, you will also choose to have a good day.

Because that’s what this is all really about - the choice. We’re human beings. We always have a choice. We choose who we’re with. We choose to be miserable. We choose to live a good life. Or not. But, the choice is always our own.

Jim Carrey was on the talk-show circuit a couple of months back promoting YES MAN. He said something that I’ll never forget. He said, “Everything that happens to you... is the best thing that’s every happened to you.”

And, I’ve never agreed more with such a simple line. It’s basically the famous Nietzsche saying of “That which does not kill you makes you stronger.” But, Jim Carrey’s is more positive and pertains to the present.

Think about that concept - everything that happens to you is the best thing that’s ever happened to you. It’s so empowering. It gives you complete ownership of everything in your life. It’s completely true.

Everything that happens to you is what makes you who you are. And, you choose what happens to you. That makes us all masters of our own future. That’s what makes each one of us important and special... if we choose to be.

That’s really what I wanted to do when I first started writing this blog. I wanted you to see the world for what it really is. And, I wanted you to question the norm. Question life and it’s workings. Why am I doing this? Why am I doing that? Then, if you find that you’re full of shit most of the time, change. Thinking then action.

So, we’re at the point where you ship off into this new world. Go explore. Go discover an enlightening path that leads you to more questions than answers. Go find great people that challenge you and make you stronger and smarter. Go think, so one day you can sit down and reminisce about your experiences and views on everything.

You won’t be right all the time... Just most of the time. But, that’s okay, too.