This week's post has to do with the current corporate system of the 40 hour work week, and how it's structured over five days. Since we're in a recession, maybe a depression, we're obviously in need of change. Some Asian countries and companies were notorious for working six days a week, and long hour days. That's overworking. Anyone can see that.
I think the work week should be as follows:
MONDAY - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
TUESDAY - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
WEDNESDAY - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
THURSDAY - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
FRIDAY - Day Off
SUNDAY - Day Off
This way, employees will still make it home on Tuesday and Wednesday night to see American Idol. And, it's still a 40 hour work week.
Pella has done this. And, the benefits have been reducing costs for the company, but retaining employees when the economy does recover. Another benefit is the energy saving effects. On Fridays, companies that adopt this new schedule can save money on their electric bill when lights, computers, fax machines and copiers are turned off. And, this helps reduce carbon emissions.
Studies have shown that the four day work week resulted in higher job satisfaction and less work/family conflict, leading to higher productivity. Let's face it. Half the day is spent on the internet, reading emails, watching YouTube, or doing Google searches anyway.
Speaking of Google... American corporations should think about following the Google model of making employees happy. After all, a happy employee is a better employee. I'm not saying that workers should wear flip-flops and shorts... wait. I AM saying that. Not with customers, but call centers or the non-customer related side of business. But, more than that, companies should have leisure activities at work. Google has ping pong tables, video games and lounges. And, they're a powerhouse company, always innovating and growing. Companies should be promoting a community feel, where employees like going to work.
Also, having another day off means that people will be spending money on that day off. Families will go out to lunch, go shopping, take more three-day vacations. This will help the overall economy.
All of this might be my confession that I don't know anything about business. But, America is in the worst economy it's been in since the 1930s partly because of this stale, lame corporate setup. And, change is happening everyday by way of layoffs and downsizing and bankruptcy and failure. Maybe the corporate world needs an outsider's take. Maybe the big guy isn't such an idiot.
Okay, okay. I won't go THAT far. But, what do you think? Do you think this system would be beneficial? Help? Hurt? Why? Why not? Anyone there? Anyone? Bueller?