Marijuana is illegal. One cannot die from marijuana use. Although general apathy and some minor crime is linked to grass, its immediate effects will not cause death.
Cocaine is illegal. Okay. I get it. Crack cocaine can be blamed for A LOT of felonies and destruction of lives and families. But, so can alcohol, and that's legal.
Crystal meth is illegal. And, rightfully so. Nothing positive comes from that horrible drug.
LSD is illegal. And, I get it. But, take away LSD and half The Beatles/The Doors/Jimi Hendrix catalog is gone. If there were no Beatles, A LOT of bands would be generic copycats. Wait...
These are all considered recreational drugs. Recreation... fun... amusement... entertainment... and, if used for those purposes, can achieve the desired goal.
The drugs that really scare me are the prescription drugs for problems and ailments that might not exist in the first place. Drugs like Prozac, Xanax, Ritalin and Ambien frighten me to no end.
Now, some of these drugs do seem to "work." But, "work" isn't really the correct word. What these drugs do, for the most part, is take away the symptoms of the problem, NOT THE ACTUAL PROBLEM. They temporarily mask the symptoms.
Problems from depression stem from all types of things. Childhood instances, family troubles, many things can lead to what psychiatrists refer to as depression.
If you can't sleep at night, there are reasons. If your child is unfocused and acting like a lunatic, chances are you did something wrong, or you overlooked something.
I'm not a doctor (obviously), and some would say because of that, I don't know what I'm talking about. But, that's part of the problem - doctors prescribe certain pills because of contracts with prescription drug companies that make a profit. The best deal for the doctor is what determines what pill he's going to prescribe you. It's a business. And, when the bottom line is the only concern, NOT YOUR HEALTH, there is a problem.
Doctors and pharmaceutical companies DO NOT make a profit if you are cured. They make money when you return to their offices and continue to purchase their product. It's that simple.
If you actually want to solve your problems, or try to, there are many ways. Healthy living, diet, exercise, activity, positive friends and peers, good way of life, productive time spent... all changes in your life.
But, that's THE problem. No one wants to change or admit that they're wrong. They want to take a pill once a day to cure their life's problems. WE'RE NOT THAT SIMPLE.
People are complex. If you don't believe that, ask a human genome scientist. So, how did we, as a society, get so lazy to think that a simple little pill would solve complicated issues?
One of the answers is that we're bombarded with advertising by these giant companies. Another reason is that we want to fit in - we want to be like our neighbors, friends and family who are living a certain way. We naturally follow instead of lead.
I bring this topic up because of Michael Jackson's death. Toxicology reports will confirm what his family and physicians already suspect - he had a cocktail of drugs in him that included pain medication (for the countless surgeries), sleeping pills (for his insomnia) and a host of other anti-depressants.
Hmm... Doesn't this sound a lot like another famous talented celebrity that died just last year? Yes. Heath Ledger. They essentially took the same drugs.
When are we going to wake up?!? When are we going to smarten up and really live a life filled with ups and downs, strikes and gutters and real experiences?
My advice is... when confronting a problem that regularly would yield prescription drug use, first try every alternative possible. Go the holistic doctor in your city. Change the negative parts of your life. Do something different.
Don't be a pathetic drug addict. If you're going to be a drug addict, do it right - HEROIN.