Thursday, April 30, 2009

Life Before Livelihood

Yesterday, President Obama hit the 100 day benchmark in office. Established in the Roosevelt era, this number seems a bit arbitrary now. Why not 101? Why not 200? Or 30? I'll tell you why... Americans like round numbers. And, most of the time, we don't question things like this. We just roll with the punches.

In his news conference, he talked a bit about torture, the economic state, the car companies... But, from this question-and-answer session, I thought of what the most important things are to Americans and to citizens of this world. I consider myself a citizen of this world first, then an American. Being an American just means I am very lucky, and I start life with a ten step lead.

Life before livelihood. What does this mean? It's a way to measure all things important in this world. It's a theory on living and how to live. It's a projection of what capable greatness governments and people can have. And, it's a message that we need some real fundamental change.

Life. Life is people. The issues of life start with something like the catastrophic events and human rights violations unfolding in places like Darfur. Life involves the child sex slaves in Cambodia. Life involves 18 or 19-year-old American soldiers (or 10-year-old child soldiers in DRC) in vast deserts. Life is food. Life is usually literal, like the eroding environment that will lead to the death of EVERYONE. These issues should take precedent over livelihood issues.

So, what is livelihood? Livelihood is cars, movies, cell phones, clothes, etc, all of which I enjoy and sometimes think I can't live without. These are the bonuses of life... in a country that can afford it. But, these things aren't essential to life. These things only make life more interesting and provide conversation points, but they don't add up to a hill a beans if you look through the proper prism.

I saw a Charles Schwab commercial yesterday. It was one of those directed by Richard Linklater. You know... the cartoons that are actually real people. In it, a businesswomen looks like she's taking questions from an interviewer. And, she says, "I can't even look at my portfolio..." I couldn't believe it. Her life is so bad. Boo hoo. Poor lady. It's unimaginable that she lost money on stupid investments. These are the problems of middle class Americans.

I realize that the economic situation is bad. People losing jobs is never good. We need money to make the wheels go 'round. Okay. I get it. But, the businesswomen's statement forced me to look at this whole thing with some realistic perspective. If you live in America, you'll never really be poor. Not REALLY poor... although some NOLA victims will disagree. To compare poverty in America to, say, Africa, let's do a little experiment and what if.

Let's say I live in Detroit. I lose my job at the automobile plant. I run out of money. I lose my home, my car, my items. I'm homeless. It's cold outside and I have no food or money. That's about as bad as it gets in America. Agreed? Okay. That's scenario #1.

The next situation is this: I live in Darfur. I'm an IDP (internally displaced person), which means that I used to be a farmer in the northeast region of Sudan, but I've been driven off my land and forced to live in a camp that offers some protection through sheer numbers. It's hot outside and I have no food or money. Bad. Agreed? Okay.

Here's the difference. In America, if I'm homeless, I have options. I could always go into the local grocery store and steal food. In Darfur, THERE ARE NO GROCERY STORES. In America, I could always commit a crime and get caught, ending up in jail with food and shelter. In Darfur, if I do something to offend the local authorities, they'll probably just rape my family, burn my body and throw it in the well, poisoning the water for my entire community.

I'm not trying to dismiss the problems American's have. But, I don't understand when someone doesn't think that we are part of a global community. We're so willing to slap hands at a football game with someone who happens to live in the same city as us. But, we can't extend a hand to people in dire need? Why is there such a disconnect?

Life before livelihood. We need to solve these life problems now. That way, we can deal with livelihood problems (which are real and painful and horrible, too - I know). So, let's do it. Let's get these things taken care of:

- Human Rights for all
- Safety and Protection for all
- No Unnecessary War
- Environment
- Health Care & Prevention

... so we can worry about things like:

- Stock Market
- Corporate Raiders
- The party next Saturday

On a livelihood note: For those who don't know, Manny Pacquiao is fighting Ricky Hatton on Saturday. This will be an amazing fight between two warriors. I pick Pacquiao to WIN in a decision. But, I think he wins Rounds 6-12 pretty handily. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Earth Day

Yesterday, April 22, was Earth Day.

I don't know what anyone else did to celebrate... but, I recognized the special day in my own special way. Since I don't believe stupid scientists at all when it comes to global warming and climate change, I did the opposite of what they say to do and not to do.

I found as many aerosol cans and just sprayed them outside my house, pointing them directly at the ozone layer.

Instead of using Waste Management for my garbage, I just went to the local park and opened the bag of dirty baby diapers and syringes and scattered the trash all over the jungle gym.

I bought a Hummer and parked it outside my house, but kept it turned on.

I turned on all the lights and appliances in my house and pumped up the air conditioning.

I did all of this because it's my right as an American to be as messy and consuming of energy as possible. Plus, it costs waaaay too much money to actually be good too the environment.

Oh, yeah... I also called up a fur company that's stationed in Alaska, and I asked them if they'd club another seal, just for me. And, they did. It was awesome!

So... Happy Earth Day. Maybe this trend that I'm starting will continue...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

2009 NBA Playoffs

This promises to be a great Playoffs and Finals. For NBA fans, what's better than having the two best players on the two best teams? So, here are my Playoff predictions for this year:



Los Angeles Lakers (1) vs. Utah Jazz (8)


Denver Nuggets (2) vs. New Orleans Hornets (7)


San Antonio Spurs (3) vs. Dallas Mavericks (6)


Portland Blazers (4) vs. Houston Rockets (5)



Cleveland Cavaliers (1) vs. Detroit Pistons (8)


Boston Celtics (2) vs. Chicago Bulls (7)


Orlando Magic (3) vs. Philadelphia 76ers (6)


Atlanta Hawks (4) vs. Miami Heat (5)




Los Angeles Lakers (1) vs. Houston Rockets (5)


Denver Nuggets (2) vs. San Antonio Spurs (3)



Cleveland Cavaliers (1) vs. Miami Heat (5)


Orlando Magic (3) vs. Chicago Bulls (7)



Los Angeles Lakers (1) vs. San Antonio Spurs (3)



Cleveland Cavaliers (1) vs. Orlando Magic (3)



Cleveland Cavaliers vs. Los Angeles Lakers


LeBron James - Finals MVP

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Today's post will be a short, light read.

I have an issue to take up with The Creator of All Things. What popped into your head when you invented the skunk? Were you pissed off at something? Did you eat buffalo wings for lunch that day and rip a hole through your toga? What's the story?

I understand it's a defense mechanism, sure. A porcupine is another small animal with a stellar defense. But, you don't see an angered porcupine shooting quills all over the place, willy nilly.

Couldn't you have made the skunk's spray at least go away after a couple of minutes? The skunk could still scurry to safety after it squirted the bear in the nose. Does the stink have to stay THAT long? Like a week long...

It seems like every day, I'm driving with the windows down, enjoying the nice spring day when... AWWWW! MAN! A skunk! And, how in the hell does the skunk have enough juice to make a whole county smell? Can't it be limited to a square mile radius? Does it really have to be potent enough to spread across state lines?

What animal is the skunk's natural predator in Kane County, Illinois? The deer? Is there something we don't know about deers? Are they actually carnivores? Who are these skunks hitting?

And, if you gave them this power, why did you make them so stupid? Skunks don't really learn their lesson. They see that their cousin got run over by a Toyota yesterday... but, he comes right up to the road, and decides "It's all clear. I can make it across. Every single one of my family members has been run over releasing our little pouch of stench into the air, but I think I'll be the one. I'll make it."

And to the drivers... when you see a skunk crossing the road, SWIRVE. Or, stop. Let the little bugger cross. He's obviously in a hurry. And, you know how you tell that it's a skunk? It's looks like a SKUNK! It's black and white. It's not a possum. Possums look like Alec Baldwin in BEETLEJUICE when he pushes his hand into the back of his head. Skunks look like skunks.

That's it. If I could get an answer soon, that would be fantastic. Thanks.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

What's Your Bag?

I want to find out what drives everyone on a daily basis. The readers of this blog have a lot of different backgrounds and professions. But, I have something in common with all of you.

So, what's your thing? What's your cause?

I have my daily essentials. I love the NBA. I watch A LOT of basketball every week. I love movies. I watch a movie a day. I love to write. I write for at least an hour a day (scripts, books, songs, intrusive blogs).

Sure, these things are fun and make for easy conversation. But, they don't define me. I hope that nothing defines me. But, let's see. What is important to me?

Wife and kid. Family. Of course. Obvious answer. To flesh this out though... Having a partner in crime is important. Gay, straight, whatever. As long as you have someone that challenges you and motivates you. And, my kid is like the cool version of me. Where I am flawed, he is perfect.

A level playing field. I don't think socioeconomic status or class defines character or happiness. Money still means nothing to me. This is a good and bad thing, I know. I just think there are a lot more important things. A LOT.

Being good and generally content. I like to smile. And, I try to have a good day every day.

Animals are lovely. I'm not a vegetarian. So, I'm somewhat of a hypocrite on this one. But, I believe all animals should be treated kindly. No animal should ever be skinned or tortured in any way.

The future. I recycle, I drive a hybrid and I turn all the lights off in my house. I try to do my small little part. I'm not perfect, but I'm definitely an aware consumer.

Art is life. I think every person on this planet should write, paint, draw, act, play music, dance, sing and partake in art on a daily basis. Art is one of the most primitive forms of communication. But, it can also be elaborate, entertaining and educational. There's no easy definition. That's why it is what it is.

Thinking. Smart is good. Dumb is bad. Learning is growing. If you don't grow, you're a stale fart. And, what's worse than a stale fart? N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Nothing.

Laughing. I wish I could make people laugh more. I envy comedians. They've figured it all out.

Adventure. My ideal life would consist of never knowing what I would do tomorrow. Life is to be explored, not scheduled.


Those are a few of the things that are important to me. What's important to you? I really want to know. I've met some interesting people in my life. But, I always regret not having more of these type of conversations. So, I want to know what floats your boat.

What's your bag?

The Correct Answers to Movie Trivia

The correct answers are:

1. Daniel Day-Lewis (Christy Brown - MY LEFT FOOT, Daniel Plainview - THERE WILL BE BLOOD)

Jack Nicholson (R.P. McMurphy - ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST, Melvin Udall - AS GOOD AS IT GETS

Tom Hanks (Andrew Beckett - PHILADELPHIA, Forrest Gump - FORREST GUMP)

Dustin Hoffman (Ted Kramer - KRAMER VS. KRAMER, Raymond Babbitt - RAINMAN)

Marlon Brando (Terry Malloy - ON THE WATERFRONT, Vito Corleone - THE GODFATHER)

Spencer Tracy, Gary Cooper or Fredric March





Video Bonus - b (Liam Fountain)

Thanks for playing.