Friday, August 29, 2008

Birthday Boy

Jack Lennon Wright was born on Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 12:16 p.m. at a healthy 5 pounds 2 ounces. He's my first child. And, with him, my wife Tiffiny and I started a new tradition on birthdays. We've talked about it for a couple of years now. We knew that with our first kid, we'd kick the whole thing off. And, this morning, bright and early, instead of showering him with material items and presents, we donated $25 to John Prendergast's ENOUGH Project in Jack's name. Every birthday to follow will not be about receiving, but about giving.

We love music, and made it one of our number one priorities to have music playing in the delivery room. As fate would have it, in the moment that Jack was being born, John Lennon's "Imagine" came on and filled the room. A symbol? Maybe. Coincidence? Absolutely not. A great tune? Yes, sir-ree-bob. We were already kicking around middle name options, and one of the finalists was Lennon. But, we wanted to let the day play out and not force anything. Let's just say things worked out.

Most everyone knows The Beatles' music. A lot of people know about John Lennon's solo music. And, those who know about his music, know that most of his songs are charged with social and political themes. Ben Harper has a great line in his song "Better Way" - it says "What good is a cynic with no better plan?" A cynic John Lennon was not. He provided clear cut answers on how to solve some of the world's problems. And, for every person that called him naive, there were a thousand that took his message into their homes and spread the word, and lived those ideas.

We try and live by those Lennon messages of peace and love. Try. We definitely have our faults, and we certainly don't succeed all the time. In fact, I'm one of the most flawed people that I know. And, I don't have any answers. I only have more questions, a goal in mind, and a few ways I think I can help to achieve what I'd consider a great life. One of those ways is to give. Whether you consider it the Christian way, or charitable, or kind, I don't know. I'm not doing it to get a medal or honor. I just feel this is doing my tiny little part.

So, I encourage any and everyone to break those traditions of accepting gifts on your birthday. Throw a party, have a blast, drink alcohol, rock'n'roll... but, let people know that if they want to give you a gift, donate to a charity in your name. Imagine that. If everyone you knew donated to a charity on your birthday instead of buying you a watch or giving you a gift certificate or a DVD or a decorative candle, imagine the outcome. The world would be a little bit better of a place, and the only trade off is that your apartment wouldn't smell like Cinnamon Pumpkin. Not a bad trade.

Why did we pick ENOUGH Project? First, because it's a charity that uses means to try and stop crimes against humanity. To us, the worst thing in the world is violence against children. And, what the ENOUGH Project is fighting is that times three hundred thousand. This next part may be hard to hear, but it's essential to know because we're all part of the human kind. Women are being systematically raped, children are being abused, murdered, and forced to witness heinous acts. If you want a little taste of the horrific things happening, visit Mia Farrow's website Read the articles. Look at the pictures. Research this stuff. Inform yourself. The more you know, the easier it gets to try and help. But, this isn't the only charity doing great work. There are many, many more. Chances are there's a Goodwill right around the corner from where you live.

As an aspiring film guy, I'm constantly writing about subjects that are important to me. I feel that films should be entertaining AND be something more. Sean Penn said on Inside The Actor's Studio something to the affect of "... if I want entertainment, I'll get an eight ball and a couple of hookers..." Obviously, he was proving a point. There can always be something more, and the best films always speak to the audience on different levels. I co-wrote a script called RIVER ROSE AND THE HORN OF AFRICA. I invented this character, River Rose, that is the best of us... what I aspire to be. He's a humanitarian, a philanthropist, but he's also an action hero. So, this is what I can do. I can write movies. And, I can donate small amounts of money.

And, every single person I know has unbelievably gifted qualities that they can use to help other people, too. Whether you're great at over-the-phone sales, or know sports facts and statistics, or you're a working class hero, or you can run a marathon, you can use your wonderful skills to help. That's what's so cool about it. Do what you do, and it'll all work out.