Thursday, March 26, 2009

Another Movie Trivia

Trivia is back! I hope you enjoy. If you get all the answers correct, you will win something special this time. Peace of mind. Can't beat it. Good luck.

1) Sean Penn just won the Academy Award for his brilliant work as Harvey Milk in MILK. This is his second Oscar for Best Actor. He won his first Best Actor Oscar in 2004 when he played Jimmy Markum in MYSTIC RIVER. Name two other actors who've won two best actor statues, and name the movies and characters they won it for.

2) Kate Winslet has been nominated for Best Actress in a Leading Role four times, with another two nominations for Best Supporting Actress, finally winning for her role as Hanna Schmitz in THE READER. Out of these five movie, choose the two movies in which she was nominated as a Supporting Actress:


3) Leonardo DiCaprio has been in four movies in his career that have made over $100 million at the Domestic Box Office. Out of these five Leo films, pick the film that hit this $100 million mark:


4) James Cameron has directed huge blockbuster hits like TITANIC, TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY and ALIENS. But, he's also been at the helm of a few documentaries and lower budget affairs. Out of these five films, which one did he direct?


5) What was the first film that Johnny Depp acted in?


**This is a video bonus question - Watch this three minute video:

Who is the actor portraying 'Mad' Max Rockatansky?

a) Mel Gibson
b) Liam Fountain
c) Paul Walker
d) Thomas Hayden Church
e) Danny Glover

Please send in the answers as a comment here on Google. Or, email me the correct answers.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Throw Me The Idol

I'll throw you the whip.

I admit it. I watch American Idol. I'm one of the 30 million people every week who do. Fine. Throw eggs at my house. Stone me in public. I don't care. I like the show. I complain the entire time it's on, and I vow to never watch it again... until next week, when I make sure to DVR an extra 10 minutes, just in case it runs over. It's not an addiction. I chose to watch. And, for all of my indie instincts, it's my one guilty pleasures. But, I have some issues (besides the obvious objections to horrible mass media brainwashing).

Why does Randy always say, "Welcome to Season 8!" when a contestant moves past Hollywood week? Aren't we already on Season 8? The cameras are rolling. I am watching. It's the fifth episode of the season. So... what doesn't Randy get about this? Actually, I'm convinced Randy blacks out and loses consciousness. Seriously. Watch Randy closely. He always says stuff like "I don't know if I like it" or "What?" after a performance. I think he really misses it. Maybe he has a short attention span. Or, maybe he goes into mini seizures (he is diabetic). Either way, I like him now. He's the most entertaining part of the show because of this revelation.

If Porky Pig and the guy in THE GREAT OUTDOORS who got struck by lightning 6... 6... 66 times had a kid, it would be Paul Adbul. Spit it out already! Has she ever had a clear, comprehensible thought? She told a blind man that he should step out from behind his piano and have more stage presence. Nuff said.

Kara DioGuardi just agrees with everything Randy says. She agrees with the guy that daydreams on live television. She peaked in the auditions. And, since then, she's been a broken record.

Everything that's needed to be said about Simon Cowell has already been said. I'll leave him alone. I do like when he says "rubbish" though. I like that word. I'm going to try integrating into daily conversation. It's a word that American women (Gwyneth Paltrow, Madonna, Jennifer Connelly) who are/were married to British men use. And, I like it.

Why are there so many token characters on this show? There's always a country singer, even if he is a horrible singer. This year, it's the tubby oil rig worker. And, why is that so endearing? Does he represent blue collar, Southern Americans because he works on an oil rig? Why does that earn him bonus points? Let's face it. He's a dipshit. He's useless. But, I guess if Bucky Covington went on to have a successful country music career, so can he. Everyone remembers Bucky, right? Yeah. He has a singing career. I guess when the songs in country music are about pick-up trucks, your dog, and buckets of paint, people like Bucky fit right in.

Megan Joy (who recently dropped her last name, Corkery - good call) has a big arm/shoulder tattoo. And, every time she sings, I can just hear all the conservative, uptight mothers across the country telling their daughters, "Ewwww... Look at that. That's disgusting. Oh, my good Lord. Don't you ever do something like that..." She won't make the top 5 because of these prejudiced sentiments. And, she should. She's THE most unique of all the singers on the show. Acts like Amy Winehouse and Duffy prove that there is a market for singers like her, but she will struggle with American Idol's audience.

Adam Lambert, are you kidding me? Brian Wright, are you kidding me that you know Adam Lambert's name? What are you? A reptile? Very scary. I hope that Flock of Seagulls haircut dies (again) soon. That haircut is getting way out of hand. And, that tongue. If I see that guy's tonsils again while murdering another great song, I might... well, I'll do nothing. I'll just complain a little more and tune in next week. But, this guy has ruined Johnny Cash AND The Rolling Stones. What's next? Pissing on a Tom Petty song?

I need a sequel to this post, I think. For now, this will have to do. Let me know what you think. Who do you think will win? Top 3? Write in.

** Rent CHE with Benicio Del Toro. I just watched Part I, and it was mind blowing. Sean Penn was right. Benicio should have been nominated. The film should have been, too. This might be Steven Soderbergh's best picture. And, that's saying something.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

40 Hour Work Week

This week's post has to do with the current corporate system of the 40 hour work week, and how it's structured over five days. Since we're in a recession, maybe a depression, we're obviously in need of change. Some Asian countries and companies were notorious for working six days a week, and long hour days. That's overworking. Anyone can see that.

I think the work week should be as follows:

MONDAY - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
TUESDAY - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
WEDNESDAY - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
THURSDAY - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
FRIDAY - Day Off
SUNDAY - Day Off

This way, employees will still make it home on Tuesday and Wednesday night to see American Idol. And, it's still a 40 hour work week.

Pella has done this. And, the benefits have been reducing costs for the company, but retaining employees when the economy does recover. Another benefit is the energy saving effects. On Fridays, companies that adopt this new schedule can save money on their electric bill when lights, computers, fax machines and copiers are turned off. And, this helps reduce carbon emissions.

Studies have shown that the four day work week resulted in higher job satisfaction and less work/family conflict, leading to higher productivity. Let's face it. Half the day is spent on the internet, reading emails, watching YouTube, or doing Google searches anyway.

Speaking of Google... American corporations should think about following the Google model of making employees happy. After all, a happy employee is a better employee. I'm not saying that workers should wear flip-flops and shorts... wait. I AM saying that. Not with customers, but call centers or the non-customer related side of business. But, more than that, companies should have leisure activities at work. Google has ping pong tables, video games and lounges. And, they're a powerhouse company, always innovating and growing. Companies should be promoting a community feel, where employees like going to work.

Also, having another day off means that people will be spending money on that day off. Families will go out to lunch, go shopping, take more three-day vacations. This will help the overall economy.

All of this might be my confession that I don't know anything about business. But, America is in the worst economy it's been in since the 1930s partly because of this stale, lame corporate setup. And, change is happening everyday by way of layoffs and downsizing and bankruptcy and failure. Maybe the corporate world needs an outsider's take. Maybe the big guy isn't such an idiot.

Okay, okay. I won't go THAT far. But, what do you think? Do you think this system would be beneficial? Help? Hurt? Why? Why not? Anyone there? Anyone? Bueller?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

GOP Continuation

I forgot this guy:

So, the party is riding high on the hopes of a 13 year old. A 13 year old, dude.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Republican Party

As a registered Independent, I can easily float around and point my finger and place blame where I see fit. If I see a Democrat who's acting like an idiot, party affiliation doesn't get in the way of calling him out. Left and right political ideologies don't hamper my ability to see things as they really are (even though one could argue that being an Indy IS a political ideology - I vehemently disagree). So, I want to take a look at the landscape of American politics. More specifically, I want to explore the Republican Party's leaders to determine what the future holds. Because, right now, it doesn't look good. Let's start with:


First... Yes. He is. STOP TRYING TO PRETEND THAT HE ISN'T A PARTY LEADER! When you are the spokesman and representative of a party's ideals on a daily basis to millions of radio listeners, then, naturally, you are a party leader. When you define what a conservative is in a keynote address to the nation, you are a party leader. When the RNC Chairman publicly apologizes to you, then admits you're a party leader, you are a party leader. With that out of the way, it's a sad state of affairs for the party when this guy is the leader. He's got a big, fat opinion (who doesn't?). But, that's all. He's biased media, which is okay. But, let's not confuse this guy's thoughts and ideas with actual important politics.


He's the RNC Chairman. Yeah. The same one that apologized to Rush Limbaugh. And, here's the kicker: He was right to say "Rush Limbaugh, his whole thing is entertainment... Yes, it's incendiary. Yes, it's ugly." He showed no backbone in this debacle. He should have told Rush Limbaugh to go fuck himself (in more PG words) and really taken control of the party. But, by admitting his so-called mistake, he showed that he's not a party leader... even though he's technically THE party leader.


I liked SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE. You liked SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE. It won a shitload of Oscars. Great. But, for the party to try capitalizing on that by pushing Bobby Jindal to the front of the line as the representative (and possible 2012 candidate), it showed their great weakness. Now, I'm half joking. I don't think that SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE has anything to do with it. But, his response speech was a "Hello, America" moment. And, although it was a thankless job, it allowed him to position himself as the party frontrunner for 2012. But, for having that free public platform to really wow the country and win supporters, he tanked.

Let's face it. Because Obama is such a great orator, his opponent will have to be to. You might love Bobby Jindal's policies and think he's a saint, but he doesn't have the verbal fervor of Obama. Not even close. He actually sounds shy and unconfident. And, in the response speech, he looked downright scared of the spotlight. Most of all, he didn't offer clear resolutions and rebuttals to Obama's recovery plan. Instead, he pandered to the "America can do anything" crowd. He gets a D- for the speech. And, unfortunately, this was his time to shine. He could have changed some minds and formed alliances. Instead, he did everything but take himself out of the presidential race. Bad boy Bobby.


Laying low. Rightfully so. Lord knows she doesn't need three years of even more ridiculous sound bites and moron moments. But, she's going to be a 2012 candidate. Here's a question to all you Republicans out there: Has the honeymoon worn off? How long did the Sarah Palin fever last? Two months? Still going? When someone like this is your party leader, your potential presidential candidate, a representative of your party, your party has problems.

So, let's recap. Right now, the Republican Party is betting on a pompous radio prick, a spineless goon, a shy, 16 year-old Indian kid from Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?, and a legally retarded Alaskan. Problems anyone?